Do you think the code here is correct?:
procedure THttpCli.DoRequestSync(Rq : THttpRequest); var DummyHandle : array [0..0] of {$IFDEF CLR}Borland.Vcl.Windows.THandle; {$ELSE}THandle;{$ENDIF} begin DoRequestAsync(Rq); {$IFDEF DELPHI1} { Delphi 1 has no support for multi-threading } while FState <> httpReady do Application.ProcessMessages; {$ELSE} if FMultiThreaded then begin while FState <> httpReady do begin FCtrlSocket.ProcessMessages; Sleep(0); end; end else begin while FState <> httpReady do begin { Do not use 100% CPU } DummyHandle[0] := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, DummyHandle, FALSE, 1000, QS_ALLINPUT + QS_ALLEVENTS + QS_KEY + QS_MOUSE); {$IFNDEF NOFORMS} Application.ProcessMessages; if Application.Terminated then begin Abort; break; end; {$ELSE} FCtrlSocket.ProcessMessages; {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF} {* Jul 12, 2004 WARNING: The component now doesn't consider 401 status as a fatal error (no exception is triggered). This required a change in the application code if it was using the exception that is no more triggered for status 401 and 407. *} {* if FStatusCode > 401 then Dec 14, 2004 *} if (FStatusCode >= 400) and (FStatusCode <> 401) and (FStatusCode <> 407) then raise EHttpException.Create(FReasonPhrase, FStatusCode); end; Please do notice that state turns to httpready with setready and onrequestdone is two messages later! So I do not think this method is any good. We must wait for the end of onrequestdone--IN THEORY. But it is my experience that sometimes that is called multiple times! The main problem is this unit uses too many postmessages and it is almost impossible to know that when the component is really not busy. Regards, SZ On 5/11/09, Sanford Whiteman <> wrote: > > > Just downloaded and built ICSv7 HTTP simple C++ demo. Please test this > > extensively and let me know. It seems to work but not sure... > > > > > It appears to allow multiple HEADs in a row, yes. > > Note that the User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible) is blocked by the > server no matter what, as it is a robot UA. So it is actually a great > test to trigger a 404 every time! > > > -- Gorkem Ates Fastream Technologies Software IQ: Innovation & Quality | Email: | Tel: +90-312-223-2830 | MSN: Join IQWF Server Yahoo group at Join IQ Reverse Proxy Yahoo group at -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at