
I'm porting my app from BCB5 to CB2009
To do that I ported the ICS specific code (a class around the HttpCli 
component) a while ago and that seemed to work great in a little test 

Yesterday and Today, trying to port the whole project I ran into lots of 
Ambiguity issues, for instance in most of my classes that contain VCL:

[BCC32 Error] *.cpp(*): E2015 Ambiguity between '_fastcall Application()' 
and 'Forms::Application'

I traced it back to the ICS related code, more specifically after:

#if defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__) && (__BCPLUSPLUS__ < 0x0560)
   #include "HttpProt.hpp"   // BCB 5
   #include "OverbyteIcsHttpProt.hpp" // CB2009

PS. I had no such issues using BCB5 and an older version of the component 
(not upgraded that in a long time, it worked for what I needed it)
In other words: OverbyteIcsHttpProt.hpp

PS. This class of my own creates a HttpCli pointer etc. dynamically, no 
component is dragged on the form.
This worked for BCB5, and also for CB2009 in the little test app I made.

To test this behaviour further I placed:

Application->ProcessMessages() ; in the constructor of the form and ... 
gotcha... same Ambiguity issue.

For an ever cleaner test I created an entirely new project.
Dragged the HttpCli component on a form and built it (success).
Then I put Application->ProcessMessages() ; in the constructor of the form, 
built it and ... gotcha again... same Ambiguity issue.

So how do I fix this issue ?
I also updated my ICS code to the very latest and built the runtime install 
project again (I did not uninstall the component and installed it again)

Also, in the bigger project, when I try to #include the ICS code at the very 
last moment in the main.cpp, to avoid the ambiguity errors in other included 
classes and forms, I still run into the Application Ambiguities *AND* also a 
lot of Byte Ambiguities:

[BCC32 Error] Overbyteicsssleay.hpp(679): E2015 Ambiguity between 'Byte' and 
[BCC32 Error] Overbyteicsntlmmsgs.hpp(102): E2015 Ambiguity between 'Byte' 
and 'System::Byte'
etc. ...

Kindly put my email address pe...@smart-projects.net in the cc when you 
reply to the group email address.  Thanks.

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