I just converted a piece of code to CB2009 (coming from BCB5), not 
originally written by myself, so it's a bit searching what is what, but I 
believe I run into a component issue.  Meanwhile I created the same app in 
BCB5 and there is works OK, using the same code.

I used HEAD version v7, checked out yesterday evening.

Can somebody confirm, possibly fix if it's an issue ?

The Problem:
On the receiving end (webpage) the the POST variable doesn't arrive intact.
Only the first letter.  In this example case only "t" arrives (so "t = test" 
instead of "test = test"
As suggested, the value arrives intact (in this case "test")

The essence I believe is the following


String PostData = "test=test" ;

THttpCli *HttpCli;
TMemoryStream *DataOut=NULL;
  DataOut=new TMemoryStream;
  DataOut->Write(&PostData[1], PostData.Length()*2);  // CB2009
  DataOut->Write(&PostData[1], PostData.Length());  // BCB 5
         } __except (TRUE)
         delete DataOut; DataOut=NULL;


Any ideas ?
Can you repeat ? 

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