
>>>>> A reliable way to calculate More was
>>>>> "More := Stream.Position < Stream.Size;"
>>>>> however that is slower since Stream.Size has to seek to the end of
>>>>> the stream and the back to current position on each call of
>>>>> DoFileEncBase64(). (Instead of Stream.Size we could also check
>>>>> against file size, however only with ShareMode fmShareDenyWrite).
>>>> var
>>>>  LocalStreamSize: integer;
>>>> [..]
>>>> LocalStreamSize := Stream.Size;
>>>> [..]
>>>> More := Stream.Position < LocalStreamSize;
>>>> [..]
>>>> Problem solved.
>>> I do not get this, sorry. Please elaborate.
>> Get the stream size only once - store it somewhere and use stored
>> value instead of calling Stream.Size getter.

> OK, but what will happen if the stream size changes during encoding, if for 
> instance 
> the component user opened the file with ShareMode fmShareDenyRead?

> That's why I added public property Mode to the TBufferedFileStream class and 
> check the ShareMode in DoFileEncBase64,. in case of no problem 
> TBufferedFileStream(Stream).FastSize is called (which is current, constant 
> size),
> otherwise Stream.Size (which is slow, but who will actually open a file to be 
> sent
> with ShareMode fmShareDenyRead only ? I guess not many).

The only reason for this is creating attachment (file to be encoded) while
it is actually encoded, but then, using the mechanism available in ICS is a
waste of disk space (already encoded original data still reside on disk). 
I think that all users will use simple files containing ready data that is
not going to be changed during encode process. Supporting other scenarions
is overkill, at least for me. If you don't agree, then what if you buffer
(in TBufferedFileStream) 1024 bytes, encode first 50, then (somehow) next
100 bytes changes? You still have outdated 100 bytes in the buffer. Then
what? Bug, no matter what! So why should you care about size change, if
you don't care about actual file changes? I don't think that you're going
to support *that* scenario. 

Piotr Dałek

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