The previous fix was not yet OK since it never forced a new nonce. The change below should be safer since a new nonce is forced after its lifetime expired. I hope I understood the "stale" parameter correctly now.
in (OverbyteIcs)HttpSrv.pas, function THttpConnection.AuthDigestGetParams: Boolean; .. daAuthInt: if FAuthDigestQop <> 'auth-int' then Exit; daBoth: { whatever it is } end; // FAuthDigestStale := TRUE; <== outcommented .. if (LastTime + t1) > t2 then begin <== added Result := TRUE; FAuthDigestStale := TRUE; <== added end; <== added end; and in procedure THttpConnection.AuthCheckAuthenticated; .. else if AuthType = atDigest then begin FAuthDigestBody := ''; FAuthenticated := AuthDigestGetParams; if FAuthenticated then begin PasswdBuf := #0; TriggerAuthGetPassword(PasswdBuf); FAuthenticated := AuthDigestCheckPassword(PasswdBuf); if (not FAuthenticated) and FAuthDigestStale then <== added FAuthDigestStale := FALSE; <== added TriggerAuthResult(FAuthenticated); end; end .. -- Arno Garrels -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at