Se the new content-type at the bottom (xml):

function DocumentToContentType(FileName : String) : String;


    Ext : String;


    { We probably should use the registry to find MIME type for file types }

    Ext := LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName));

    if Length(Ext) > 1 then

        Ext := Copy(Ext, 2, Length(Ext));

    if (Ext = 'htm') or (Ext = 'html') then

        Result := 'text/html'

    else if Ext = 'gif' then

        Result := 'image/gif'

    else if Ext = 'bmp' then

        Result := 'image/bmp'

    else if (Ext = 'jpg') or (Ext = 'jpeg') then

        Result := 'image/jpeg'

    else if (Ext = 'tif') or (Ext = 'tiff') then

        Result := 'image/tiff'

    else if Ext = 'txt' then

        Result := 'text/plain'

    else if Ext = 'css' then

        Result := 'text/css'

    else if Ext = 'wav' then

        Result := 'audio/x-wav'

    else if Ext = 'ico' then

        Result := 'image/x-icon'

    { WAP support begin }

    else if Ext = 'wml' then

        Result := 'text/vnd.wap.wml'

    else if Ext = 'wbmp' then

        Result := 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp'

    else if Ext = 'wmlc' then

        Result := 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc'

    else if Ext = 'wmlscript' then

        Result := 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript'

    else if Ext = 'wmlscriptc' then

        Result := 'application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc'

    { WAP support end }

    else if Ext = 'pdf' then

        Result := 'application/pdf'

    else if Ext = 'xml' then

        Result := 'text/xml'


        Result := 'application/binary';


Regards Bjørnar

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