Arno Garrels wrote:
> Try to set a breakpoint in WSocket.pas,
> procedure TCustomWSocket.Connect and single step thru the code.
> Then please post the line where the exception is fired.

Or use MadExcept to generate a BugReport if you don't have Delphi

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> BTW: What happens if you remove FD_ACCEPT from FSelectEvent below?
> I'm sure this has been removed some months before but now it's back
> in my V6-version again, is it a regression?
> FSelectEvent := FD_READ   or FD_WRITE or FD_CLOSE or
>                 FD_ACCEPT or FD_CONNECT;
> iStatus      := WSocket_Synchronized_WSAASyncSelect(FHSocket, Handle,
> FMsg_WM_ASYNCSELECT,                                                 
> FSelectEvent); 
> --
> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
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