Hi All...

This in regards to ICS V5. I think...   

I wish to do some legacy stuff, involving Delphi1 (!!)

I'd like to implement a simple UDP conversation, to link an old Win16
app, to a new Win32 only driver via the "LocalHost".  (I sort of
understand this way of doing things, I most defiantely do not understand
"Thunking", and my C is "worse than not good".)

Oh yes, this is for my own personal use, an old Win3.11 program I made
many years ago, that uses DLLs to interface to hardware.   Trouble is,
WinNT (2000) does not allow that sort of thing, direct port access, and
as it'd be good to have the app running on one machine, talking to ports
etc on another one on my LAN, like I have later Win32 stuff, I thought
of doing a UDP peer-2-peer thing.   I already have UDP stuff working
that way between other app's and PC's in the Win32 world.  Trouble is, I
no longer have readable sources, they are all on 5 1/4 360k floppies!
And the only person I know who has old hardware like that, says that the
disks are unreadable,  Otherwise I'd rework it in D7.

However I seem to be having a little trouble getting ICS installed into
the D1 IDE.

I edited the IcsDel1.bat file in \ICS\Delphi1 to represent the actual
paths used on this system.  But when I run it, it does this....

The device is not ready.    [ Huh ? ]
Delphi Compiler  Version 8.0  Copyright (c) 1983,95 Borland
Error 164: Duplicate resource identifier (CLIDEMO.RES).
Compile error

I also have D7 installed on this PC, is that conflicting?  Looking at
the "Version 8.0" announcement...

So what have I done wrong?   I did get it installed and working in D7
with no problem.

D1 is fully functional on here too, there don't seem to be any clashes
that I know of.

Oh yes, the PC, Win XP Pro, all updates etc...  The target machine run's

The IcsDel1.bat file is like this.......

@echo off
REM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
REM *                                                   *
REM * ICS - Internet Component Suite                    *
REM *                                                   *
REM * Delphi 1 automated construction V1.00             *
REM * (c) 1997-2000 by Francois PIETTE                  *
REM * http://www.rtfm.be/fpiette/indexuk.htm            *
REM *                                                   *
REM * You must change PATH, DELPHI_PATH and ICS_PATH    *
REM * below to fit your system.                         *
REM *                                                   *
REM * Remember to install all components in Delphi 1 !  *
REM * Remember to use Delphi 1 to open all forms and    *
REM * ignore Font.CharSet and OldCreateOrder properties *
REM *                                                   *
REM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



echo /cw                            >dcc.cfg 
echo /m                            >>dcc.cfg 
echo /r%DELPHI_PATH%\LIB           >>dcc.cfg 
echo /u%DELPHI_PATH%\LIB           >>dcc.cfg 
echo /i%DELPHI_PATH%\LIB           >>dcc.cfg 
echo /E%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI1          >>dcc.cfg 
echo /O%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI1          >>dcc.cfg 
echo /I%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\VC        >>dcc.cfg 
echo /I%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\VC32      >>dcc.cfg 
echo /I%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\INTERNET  >>dcc.cfg 
echo /R%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\VC        >>dcc.cfg 
echo /R%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\VC32      >>dcc.cfg 
echo /R%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\INTERNET  >>dcc.cfg 
echo /U%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\VC        >>dcc.cfg 
echo /U%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\VC32      >>dcc.cfg 
echo /U%ICS_PATH%\DELPHI\INTERNET  >>dcc.cfg 

cd %ICS_PATH%\delphi\internet
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 clidemo
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 client5
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 client7
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 dnslook
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 dynCli
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 finger
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 ftpserv
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 ftptst
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 httpasp
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 httpasy
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 httpchk
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 httpdmo
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 httpget
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 httppg
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 httptst
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 mailrcv
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 mailrob
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 mailsnd
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 md5test
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 mimedemo
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 mimetst
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 newsrdr
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 nslookup
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 pop3mime
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 recv
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 sender
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 server5
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 sockstst
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 srvdemo
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 srvtcp
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 tcpsrv
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 tnclient
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 tndemo
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 tnsrv
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 twschat
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 udplstn
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 udpsend
if errorlevel 1 goto error
call ..\..\delphi1\dcc1 webserv
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto done

@echo Compile error
goto done

@cd %ICS_PATH%\delphi1


Any advice welcome.


Dave B.
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