Use this function and add the following units: wsports and snmp
function IsPortFree(Prt: Integer): Boolean; var p: TWSPorts; begin p := TWSPorts.Create; p.Refresh; if p.PortInUse(Prt) then Result:= False else Result:= True; p.Free; end; // // © 2000 Epsylon Software Development // // WSPorts.pas is based on NetView Version 1.0 (Main.pas) // // written by Crits Vadim // unit WSPorts; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, WinSock, Snmp; type TWSPorts = class(TObject) private { Private declarations } FPorts: TList; procedure EnumPorts; function GetPortCount: Integer; function GetPort(index: Integer): Integer; public { Public declarations } constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure GetUsedPorts(sl: TStrings); function PortInUse(port: Integer): Boolean; procedure Refresh; property PortCount: Integer read GetPortCount; property Ports[index: Integer]: Integer read GetPort; end; implementation function SnmpExtensionInit(dwTimeZeroReference: DWORD; hPollForTrapEvent: PHandle; supportedView: PAsnObjectIdentifier): BOOL; stdcall; external 'inetmib1.dll' name 'SnmpExtensionInit'; function SnmpExtensionQuery(requestType: BYTE; variableBindings: PRFC1157VarBindList; errorStatus, errorIndex: PAsnInteger): BOOL; stdcall; external 'inetmib1.dll' name 'SnmpExtensionQuery'; const tcpidentifiers: array[0..9] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 6, 13, 1, 1); udpidentifiers: array[0..9] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 7, 5, 1, 1); function SortPorts(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; begin result := Integer(Item1) - Integer(Item2); end; { TWSPort } constructor TWSPorts.Create; var WSAData: TWSAData; begin inherited; if WSAStartup($0101, WSAData) <> 0 then begin raise EExternal.Create('Could not initialize Winsock'); Exit; end; FPorts := TList.Create; EnumPorts; end; destructor TWSPorts.Destroy; begin FPorts.Free; WSACleanup; inherited; end; procedure TWSPorts.EnumPorts; var hTrapEvent: THandle; hIdentifier: TAsnObjectIdentifier; bindList: TRFC1157VarBindList; bindEntry: TRFC1157VarBind; errorStatus, errorIndex: TAsnInteger; error: Boolean; begin FPorts.Clear; if not SnmpExtensionInit(GetCurrentTime, @hTrapEvent, @hIdentifier) then Exit; // TCP connections bindList.list := @bindEntry; bindList.len := 1; := 10; := @tcpidentifiers; error := False; while not error do begin if not SnmpExtensionQuery(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, @bindList, @errorStatus, @errorIndex) then begin error := True; Continue; end; if < 10 then Break; if[9] = 3 then if not PortInUse(bindEntry.value.number) then FPorts.Add(Pointer(bindEntry.value.number)); end; // UDP connections bindList.list := @bindEntry; bindList.len := 1; := 10; := @udpidentifiers; error := False; while not error do begin if not SnmpExtensionQuery(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, @bindList, @errorStatus, @errorIndex) then begin error := True; Continue; end; if < 10 then Break; if[9] = 2 then if not PortInUse(bindEntry.value.number) then FPorts.Add(Pointer(bindEntry.value.number)); end; FPorts.Sort(SortPorts); end; function TWSPorts.GetPort(index: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Integer(FPorts[index]); end; function TWSPorts.GetPortCount: Integer; begin Result := FPorts.Count; end; procedure TWSPorts.GetUsedPorts(sl: TStrings); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FPorts.Count - 1 do sl.Add(IntToStr(Integer(FPorts[i]))); end; function TWSPorts.PortInUse(port: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := FPorts.IndexOf(Pointer(port)) <> -1; end; procedure TWSPorts.Refresh; begin EnumPorts; end; end. {*******************************************************} { } { Delphi Runtime Library } { SNMP Interface Unit } { } { Copyright (c) 1999 Crits Vadim } { } {*******************************************************} unit Snmp; interface uses Windows; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP API return code definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const SNMPAPI_NOERROR = INTEGER(TRUE); SNMPAPI_ERROR = INTEGER(FALSE); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP API error code definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR = 1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // BER API error code definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNMP_BERAPI_INVALID_LENGTH = 10; SNMP_BERAPI_INVALID_TAG = 11; SNMP_BERAPI_OVERFLOW = 12; SNMP_BERAPI_SHORT_BUFFER = 13; SNMP_BERAPI_INVALID_OBJELEM = 14; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // PDU API error code definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNMP_PDUAPI_UNRECOGNIZED_PDU = 20; SNMP_PDUAPI_INVALID_ES = 21; SNMP_PDUAPI_INVALID_GT = 22; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AUTH API error code definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNMP_AUTHAPI_INVALID_VERSION = 30; SNMP_AUTHAPI_INVALID_MSG_TYPE = 31; SNMP_AUTHAPI_TRIV_AUTH_FAILED = 32; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP PDU error status definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOERROR = 0; SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_TOOBIG = 1; SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOSUCHNAME = 2; SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_BADVALUE = 3; SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_READONLY = 4; SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_GENERR = 5; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP PDU generic trap definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNMP_GENERICTRAP_COLDSTART = 0; SNMP_GENERICTRAP_WARMSTART = 1; SNMP_GENERICTRAP_LINKDOWN = 2; SNMP_GENERICTRAP_LINKUP = 3; SNMP_GENERICTRAP_AUTHFAILURE = 4; SNMP_GENERICTRAP_EGPNEIGHLOSS = 5; SNMP_GENERICTRAP_ENTERSPECIFIC = 6; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // BER encoding definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ASN_UNIVERSAL = $00; ASN_APPLICATION = $40; ASN_CONTEXTSPECIFIC = $80; ASN_PRIVATE = $C0; ASN_PRIMATIVE = $00; ASN_CONSTRUCTOR = $20; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ASN.1 simple types // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ASN_INTEGER = (ASN_UNIVERSAL or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $02); ASN_OCTETSTRING = (ASN_UNIVERSAL or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $04); ASN_NULL = (ASN_UNIVERSAL or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $05); ASN_OBJECTIDENTIFIER = (ASN_UNIVERSAL or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $06); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ASN.1 constructor types // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ASN_SEQUENCE = (ASN_UNIVERSAL or ASN_CONSTRUCTOR or $10); ASN_SEQUENCEOF = ASN_SEQUENCE; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ASN.1 application specific primatives // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ASN_RFC1155_IPADDRESS = (ASN_APPLICATION or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $00); ASN_RFC1155_COUNTER = (ASN_APPLICATION or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $01); ASN_RFC1155_GAUGE = (ASN_APPLICATION or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $02); ASN_RFC1155_TIMETICKS = (ASN_APPLICATION or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $03); ASN_RFC1155_OPAQUE = (ASN_APPLICATION or ASN_PRIMATIVE or $04); ASN_RFC1213_DISPSTRING = ASN_OCTETSTRING; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ASN.1 application specific constructors // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ASN_RFC1157_GETREQUEST = ASN_CONTEXTSPECIFIC or ASN_CONSTRUCTOR or $00; ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST = ASN_CONTEXTSPECIFIC or ASN_CONSTRUCTOR or $01; ASN_RFC1157_GETRESPONSE = ASN_CONTEXTSPECIFIC or ASN_CONSTRUCTOR or $02; ASN_RFC1157_SETREQUEST = ASN_CONTEXTSPECIFIC or ASN_CONSTRUCTOR or $03; ASN_RFC1157_TRAP = ASN_CONTEXTSPECIFIC or ASN_CONSTRUCTOR or $04; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP ASN type definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type PAsnOctetString = ^TAsnOctetString; TAsnOctetString = packed record stream: ^BYTE; length: UINT; dynam: BOOL; end; PIdentifiers = ^TIdentifiers; TIdentifiers = array[0..9] of UINT; PAsnObjectIdentifier = ^TAsnObjectIdentifier; TAsnObjectIdentifier = packed record idLength: UINT; ids: PIdentifiers; end; PAsnInteger = ^TAsnInteger; TAsnInteger = Longint; TAsnCounter = DWORD; TAsnGauge = DWORD; TAsnTimeticks = DWORD; TAsnSequence = TAsnOctetString; TAsnImplicitSequence = TAsnOctetString; TAsnIPAddress = TAsnOctetString; TAsnDisplayString = TAsnOctetString; TAsnOpaque = TAsnOctetString; TAsnObjectName = TAsnObjectIdentifier; TAsnNetworkAddress = TAsnIPAddress; PAsnAny = ^TAsnAny; TAsnAny = packed record asnType: BYTE; align : array[0..2] of BYTE;//size 13 byte necessary 16 byte case Integer of 0: (number: TAsnInteger); 1: (str: TAsnOctetString); 2: (obj: TAsnObjectIdentifier); 3: (sequence: TAsnSequence); 4: (address: TAsnIPAddress); 5: (counter: TAsnCounter); 6: (gauge: TAsnGauge); 7: (ticks: TAsnTimeticks); 8: (arbitrary: TAsnOpaque); end; TAsnObjectSyntax = TAsnAny; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP API type definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PRFC1157VarBind = ^TRFC1157VarBind; TRFC1157VarBind = packed record name: TAsnObjectName; value: TAsnObjectSyntax; end; PRFC1157VarBindList = ^TRFC1157VarBindList; TRFC1157VarBindList = packed record list: PRFC1157VarBind; len: UINT; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP API prototypes // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SnmpUtilOidCpy(DstObjId: PAsnObjectIdentifier; SrcObjId: PAsnObjectIdentifier): Integer; stdcall; function SnmpUtilOidAppend(DstObjId: PAsnObjectIdentifier; SrcObjId: PAsnObjectIdentifier): Integer; stdcall; function SnmpUtilOidNCmp(ObjIdA, ObjIdB: PAsnObjectIdentifier; Len: UINT): Integer; stdcall; function SnmpUtilOidCmp(ObjIdA, ObjIdB: PAsnObjectIdentifier): Integer; stdcall; procedure SnmpUtilOidFree(ObjId: PAsnObjectIdentifier); stdcall; function SnmpUtilVarBindListCpy(DstVarBindList, SrcVarBindList: PRFC1157VarBindList): Integer; stdcall; function SnmpUtilVarBindCpy(DstVarBind, SrcVarBind: PRFC1157VarBind): Integer; stdcall; procedure SnmpUtilVarBindListFree(VarBindList: PRFC1157VarBindList); stdcall; procedure SnmpUtilVarBindFree(VarBind: PRFC1157VarBind); stdcall; procedure SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny(Any: PAsnAny); stdcall; procedure SnmpUtilMemFree(Addr: Pointer); stdcall; function SnmpUtilMemAlloc(Size: UINT): Pointer; stdcall; function SnmpUtilMemReAlloc(Addr: Pointer; NewSize: UINT): Pointer; stdcall; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SNMP debugging definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const SNMP_LOG_SILENT = $0; SNMP_LOG_FATAL = $1; SNMP_LOG_ERROR = $2; SNMP_LOG_WARNING = $3; SNMP_LOG_TRACE = $4; SNMP_LOG_VERBOSE = $5; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Miscellaneous definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const SNMP_MAX_OID_LEN = $7F00; implementation const snmplib = 'Snmpapi.dll'; function SnmpUtilOidCpy; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilOidCpy'; function SnmpUtilOidAppend; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilOidAppend'; function SnmpUtilOidNCmp; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilOidNCmp'; function SnmpUtilOidCmp; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilOidCmp'; procedure SnmpUtilOidFree; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilOidFree'; function SnmpUtilVarBindListCpy; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilVarBindListCpy'; function SnmpUtilVarBindCpy; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilVarBindCpy'; procedure SnmpUtilVarBindListFree; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilVarBindListFree'; procedure SnmpUtilVarBindFree; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilVarBindFree'; procedure SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny'; procedure SnmpUtilMemFree; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilMemFree'; function SnmpUtilMemAlloc; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilMemAlloc'; function SnmpUtilMemReAlloc; external snmplib name 'SnmpUtilMemReAlloc'; end. -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at