> I'm using components HTTPCli and FTPCli. I have no troubles with > the second one. But i have a question about HTTPCli. How could i send > some values to a specified parameters using POST method?
Basically, you build a TStream with the data formatted as your server expect it (urlencoded, mime,...). Then you supply that stream to the HTTP component before call post. Here is an extract from HttpPg demo delivered with ICS-V5. In that demo, the server expect data in urlencoded format. btw: Not sure the server still exists ! procedure THttpTestForm.SendButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var DataIn : TMemoryStream; DataOut : TMemoryStream; Buf : String; begin DisplayMemo.Clear; DataIn := TMemoryStream.Create; { For the response } DataOut := TMemoryStream.Create; { For the data to be sent } try { Build the data to be sent to the CGI. } Buf := 'ID=' + Encode(UserIDEdit.Text) + '&REMITE=' + Encode(EMailEdit.Text) + '&MENSAJE=' + Encode(MessageEdit.Text); { Write the data to the stream which will be used to send } DataOut.Write(Buf[1], Length(Buf)); { Position the stream at the beginning or nothing will be sent } DataOut.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); { Setup the HTTP component to transmit } httpcli1.SendStream := DataOut; httpcli1.RcvdStream := DataIn; httpcli1.Proxy := ProxyEdit.Text; httpcli1.ProxyPort := '80'; HttpCli1.URL := 'http://www.unired.net.pe/cgi-bin/a.out'; SendButton.Enabled := FALSE; AbortButton.Enabled := TRUE; try try httpcli1.Post; { Data sent, copy the webserver response to the DisplayMemo } DataIn.Seek(0, 0); DisplayMemo.Lines.LoadFromStream(DataIn); except { An error occured ! } DisplayMemo.Lines.Add('Failed : ' + HttpCli1.ReasonPhrase); raise end; finally SendButton.Enabled := TRUE; AbortButton.Enabled := FALSE; end; finally DataOut.Free; DataIn.Free; end; end; Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit http://www.overbyte.be/eng/ssl.html -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware) Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware) http://www.overbyte.be -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://www.elists.org/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be