My apologies for this off topic post but I'm not even sure where to ask this.
I've got National Instruments ActiveX controls running in a test application. The Delphi Wrapper created when importing the control into my development environment appears to have also brought in the license string similar to the LICREQST.EXE app from Microsoft. In the wrapper it creates: TCWDSP = class(TOleControl) Private procedure InitControlData; override; procedure TCWDSP.InitControlData; const CLicenseKey: array[0..62] of Word = ( $006F, $006E, $0070, $006E, ... CControlData: TControlData2 = ( ClassID: '{4EE5F083-54CF-11D0-8B74-0020AF31CEF9}'; EventIID: ''; EventCount: 0; EventDispIDs: nil; LicenseKey: @CLicenseKey; Flags: $00000000; Version: 401); begin ControlData := @CControlData; end; On the target system I run regsvr32 with the file.ocx to register it. But when I run the application the unlicensed control is displayed. National Instruments which doesn't support Delphi doesn't know how to help me. Their C solutiuon is: 3.Add the following code below " AxMyProject.AxMyLicensedControl myControl = new AxMyProject.AxMyLicensedControl();" System.Reflection.FieldInfo f = typeof(AxHost).GetField("licenseKey", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); f.SetValue(myControl, "gnvlslnjskvlmlgnnimh"); Which is probably what the wrapper is doing. But I can't see where the InitControlData is being invoked or how I make it understand that the control is licensed. Any ideas? Thanks John Dammeyer -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at