Here the code

HttpCli[1] := HttpCli2;
HttpCli[2] := HttpCli3;
HttpCli[3] := HttpCli4;
HttpCli[4] := HttpCli5;
HttpCli[5] := HttpCli6;

for x := 1 to 5
do begin
    HttpCli[x].Tag := x;
    // used to retrieve the data
    Liste[x]   := TStrLstHTML.Create;
    Streams[x] := TMemoryStream.Create;
    HttpCli[x].RcvdStream := Streams[x];
    Cookies[x] := '';
    if x = 1
    then numFFB[1] := nFFB
    else numFFB[x] := RechercheNumero(numFFB[x - 1]);
    nFFB := numFFB[x];
    LanceRequete(x);    <<<< here error when x = 2 (see below)

procedure TFM.LanceRequete(n : integer);
HttpCli[n].RcvdStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
HttpCli[n].URL        := urlbase + url0;
httpcli[n].AcceptLanguage  := 'en, fr';

HttpCli[n].Cookie     := '';

Frans van Daalen a écrit :
>> ... and I get a Violation access. I guess it's because all the THttpCli 
>> uses the same RequestDone procedure (the THttpCli is known by its Tag : 
>> 1 to 5).
> where did you get the av, and can you show the code for that line?
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