Hello again Arno!

> Hmm, your 'workaround' doesn't sound logical, why
> should a secondary instance of a _V5_ component
> have any effects, strange?

No I know, it isn't logical but since I want to free my forms it is the only
way I so far have been able to solve it... 

> Do you close the SMTP-form while mail is been sent?

No, I click the button to create and show the SmtpTestForm. In SmtpTestForm
I click the "All-in-one" button. I wait until the line "All-in-One done!" is
written in the Info messages memo. Then I close the form with the X in the
upper right corner. Back to the first form I once again press the button to
show SmtpTestForm and when pressing "All-in-one" (or "Connect") button the
program freezes.

> Is the SMTP-form yet destroyed when you create another one?

Well I think so...? I do not get any error messages and I get the same
behavior when using Free instead of Release or if I set Action := caFree in

> When does it freeze exactely (try the buttons on the left,
> Connect etc. instead)?

When I'm trying to connect.

> How is the CPU load when it freezes?

MailSnd constant on 50% and "system idle" (I don't know the English term)
has 50%

> What is different with the two boxes, any 
> Anti Virus software, any personal firewall etc.?

It is different Anti Virus software (Norman on the one with the problem and
McAfee on the other) otherwise I can not come up with anything that
differs... I also tried the exe on a third computer also with Norman Anti
Virus and everything works there as well so it doesn't seem to have anything
to do with Norman.

Thanks once more

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Arno Garrels
Skickat: den 11 december 2006 15:06
Till: ICS support mailing
Ämne: Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

[Message from Arno included above...]

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Henrik wrote:
> Hi Arno and thank You for the reply!
> I use V2.32 of SmtpProt.pas (the one You get when clicking "Download 
> the latest ICS-V5 Distribution" on overbyte.be) and Delphi7.
> Trying to solve this mystery I have now discovered two things:
> * Since You did not experience any problem I decided to test the 
> example application on another computer by copying the exe-file. Here 
> the second time I show the SmtpTestForm and presses the "All-in-one" 
> button everything works ok and the mail is being sent as expected!!!
> Do You have any ideas on what can be the difference between these 
> computers that leads to the freeze problem on just one of them? (both 
> has Win XP SP2 and the latest Windows update patches)
> * I don't know if this gives any clues but a workaround on the 
> computer where the problems appear is to either not destroy the form 
> OR create a dummy smtpCli component like in the code below!
>     procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
>     var dummySmtpCli : TSmtpCli;
>         alreadyCreated: Boolean;
>         i: integer;
>     begin
>       SmtpTestForm := TSmtpTestForm.Create(Application);
>     // Workaround that prevents freezing on some computers
>       alreadyCreated := false;
>       if Application.ComponentCount > 0 then
>       begin
>         for i := 0 to Application.ComponentCount-1 do
>         begin
>           if Application.Components[i].Name = 'DummySmtpClient' then
>           begin
>             alreadyCreated := true;
>             BREAK;
>           end;
>         end;
>       end;
>       if not(alreadyCreated) then
>       begin
>         dummySmtpCli := TSmtpCli.Create(Application);
>         dummySmtpCli.Name := 'DummySmtpClient';
>       end;
>       try
>         SmtpTestForm.ShowModal;
>       finally
>         SmtpTestForm.Release;
>       end;
>     end;
> Any further thoughts on the matter is greatly appreciated!
> // Henrik
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:twsocket- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] För Arno Garrels
> Skickat: den 11 december 2006 10:32
> Till: ICS support mailing
> Ämne: Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its 
> parentform
> Hello Henrik,
> Just tested  with latest V5 beta, but works great?
> ---
> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
> http://www.overbyte.be/eng/overbyte/teamics.html
> Henrik wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have probably misunderstood something because I get the same 
>> behavior described below no matter which of the components SmtpCli, 
>> SyncSmtpCli and HtmlSmtpCli I use.
>> The problem has to do with freeing the smtp-components parent form.
>> You can easily duplicate the behavior with one of the standard demo
>> applications: * Open Your favorite demo of  MailSnd, MimeTst or 
>> MailHtml. (I proceed with MailSnd-demo below.)
>> * Add a new form with a button to the project. Write the following in 
>> the buttons OnClick method:
>>       procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
>>       begin
>>           SmtpTestForm := TSmtpTestForm.Create(Application);
>>           try
>>               SmtpTestForm.ShowModal;
>>           finally
>>               SmtpTestForm.Release;
>>           end;
>>       end;
>> * Click on the menu: "Project" - "Options", and remove the 
>> SmtpTestFrom from the "Auto-createForms" list.
>> * Run the application and click the button. SmtpTestForm opens and 
>> You can send lots of e-mails.
>> * Close SmtpTestForm and press the button again. Try to send yet 
>> another email and You get stuck!
>> I guess I'm doing something fundamentally wrong?! I have narrowed it 
>> down to that everything works as expected if I don't release the 
>> form. (I get the same error when setting Action to caFree in
>> SmtpTestFrom.OnClose.)
>> Is it not a good idea to free a manually created form?
>> Best Regards
>> Henrik
> --
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