Well I finally found the error that generates the abnormal behavior in
client list.
My service receives some data form a POS machine and then do some work in a
DB (SQLServer using ADO). I do all the DB process and validation in a
thread and finally I send the results to the POS machine.
It looks like this
1. Onconnect (SocketServer)
2. OnDataAvaliable ( if data correct New thread created)
3. New Thread( Precess Info)
4. New thread( PostMesage to send answer)
5. New Thread(Destroy)
6. OnClientDisconnect
First mistake: I put TWSocketServer in the service in design time.
Correct: I Created in OnStart ( Arno suggest this thank you Arno )
Second Mistake: My threads create method had this instruction
ADOconn := TADOConnection.create( nil )
//This instruction generates the error and freeze the service after some
hours running
Correct: I put my ADOConnection into a DataModule and I create the
Datamodule in the Excecute method, not in threads create method.
Thank you Wilfried ( you were right about handle overwritten ) , Arno and
Miguel Angel Cañas C.
From: "Francois Piette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ICS support mailing <twsocket@elists.org>
To: "ICS support mailing" <twsocket@elists.org>
Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:07:40 +0200
>I did this in TcpSrv (adding the thread etc ) demo and into a service.
>demo works fine and no blank ip port connections appeared but the service
>did not work and in some moment did not receive more connections. I still
>have 10038 errors in BgExcep. I already check buffers and all code to
>lose of the handle.
Did you start from the demo service provided with ICS or a brand new one
created ?
You can email me your /source/ code (no exe please. Just full source to
rebuild quickly and easily your test). I don't promize to have time to look
at it. Il will do if I find some spare time and your code is small and easy
to read.
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