Francois Piette wrote:
>>> But I wonder if it was not better to trigger just an event
>>> before PasvIpAddr will be used that would allow the component
>>> user to do his individual checks, what do you think is better?
> Maybe both ?
> Compute a PasvIpAddr and pass it as var parameter to an event which
> can then change it at will.

OK, one another question: Is it possible to get the netmask of
current IP without using IpHlpApi? I found a sample that calls
WSAIoctl with SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST but that requires some
structures i.e. INTERFACE_INFO or sockaddr_gen not being defined
in both Winsock.pas as well as WSocket.pas.
I need the network mask to check whether a peer address is in the
same subnet, would be nice to have it in WSocket.pas as another
utility function.
Is IpHlpApi working on Win9x winsock2?  

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit
> --
> Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
> Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Arno Garrels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "ICS support mailing" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 2:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [twsocket] FTP server, problem with property PasvIpAddr
>> I need to check for the same subnet instead of
>> private IPs, sometimes I'm too slow :)
>> Arno Garrels wrote:
>>> Arno Garrels wrote:
>>>> Or modify the FTP server component in a way that
>>>> PasvIpAddr can be set privately for a particular client
>>>> depending on it's source IP (just an idea?).
>>> I need such an option as well. So I just changed the code
>>> as mentioned above. New option ftpsNoPasvIpAddrInLan and
>>> a function that checks whether the peer address is in a
>>> private network or not.
>>> But I wonder if it was not better to trigger just an event
>>> before PasvIpAddr will be used that would allow the component
>>> user to do his individual checks, what do you think is better?
>>> Currently I get the raw peer address in
>>> procedure TFtpCtrlSocket.Dup(newHSocket : TSocket);
>>> var
>>>     Len : Integer;
>>> begin
>>>     inherited Dup(newHSocket);
>>> {$IFDEF CLR}
>>>     if DesignMode then begin
>>>         FPeerAddr := '';
>>>         Exit;
>>>     end;
>>> {$ENDIF}
>>>     //FPeerAddr := inherited GetPeerAddr;
>>>     Len := SizeOf(TSockAddr);
>>>     if WSocket_GetPeerName(newHSocket, FPeerSAddr, Len) = 0 then
>>>         FPeerAddr := WSocket_inet_ntoa(FPeerSAddr.sin_addr)
>>>     else begin
>>>         SocketError('GetPeerName');
>>>         Exit;
>>>     end;
>>> end;
>>> PeerSAddr is a new property, we need to get it just once.
>>> function IsIpPrivate(saddr : TSockAddrIn): Boolean;
>>> begin
>>>     Result := (Byte(saddr.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b1) = 10) or   //
>>> private class A               (saddr.sin_addr.S_un_w.s_w1       =
>>> 4268) or // private class B              
>>> (saddr.sin_addr.S_un_w.s_w1       = 43200);  // private class C end;
>>> {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>>> * * * * *} procedure TFtpServer.CommandPASV(
>>> ...
>>>         else begin
>>>             if (FPasvIpAddr = '') or
>>>                ((ftpsNoPasvIpAddrInLan in FOptions) and
>>>                IsIpPrivate(Client.PeerSAddr)) then
>>>                 Answer := Format(msgPasvRemote,
>>>                           [ord(IPAddr.S_un_b.s_b1),
>>>                            ord(IPAddr.S_un_b.s_b2),
>>>                            ord(IPAddr.S_un_b.s_b3),
>>>                            ord(IPAddr.S_un_b.s_b4),
>>>                            HiByte(DataPort),
>>>                            LoByte(DataPort)])
>>>             else begin
>>> ...
>>>> ---
>>>> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
>>>> Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
>>>>> Ok, I understand that port 21 is an exception and the router
>>>>> replaces automatically the private IP by the public IP.  It's not
>>>>> the case for others
>>>>> ports. OK.
>>>>> And for these others cases, we must use PASVIPAdress in which, we
>>>>> set public
>>>>> IP.
>>>>> So now, suppose that I've a server behind a router with IP public
>>>>> is for example and IP private would be
>>>>> I set PASVIPAdress with on port 1985 and I
>>>>> connect it on from
>>>>> outside lan. So it's OK.
>>>>> And now, if I want to connect it from inside LAN. So I connect it
>>>>> with, always in passiv mode on 1985 port. But in this
>>>>> case, it's not
>>>>> good because the server response to PASV command the IP public
>>>>> and the client can't connect from inside to
>>>>> What can I do for this case ?
>>>>> Sorry it's difficult to explain that in English; I'm French !
>>>>> Arnold
>> --
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