I have a problem using http component posting parameters to log into a PHP application. If I can log to using IE writing in the url area the following string: http://localhost:9090/index.php?c=login/login <http://localhost:9090/index.php?c=login/login&username=cnsp12&password=cnsp 12> &username=cnsp12&password=cnsp12 Using HTTP component with the following code I have no success indeed I can't log to the application receiving from the server the message "No right for this operation" procedure NkCloseRip; var DataIn : TMemoryStream; DataOut : TMemoryStream; Buf, : String; http : THttpCli; mYres : TStringlist; begin DataIn := TMemoryStream.Create; { For the response } DataOut := TMemoryStream.Create; { For the data to be sent } mYres:=TStringlist.Create; http := THttpCli.Create(nil); { Build the data to be sent to the CGI. } Buf := 'c='+encode('login/login') + '&username=' +encode('cnsp12') + '&password=' + encode('cnsp12')+ '&Invia=' + encode('Invia'); { Write the data to the stream which will be used to send } DataOut.Write(Buf[1], Length(Buf)); { Position the stream at the beginning or nothing will be sent } DataOut.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); { Setup the HTTP component to transmit } http.SendStream := DataOut; http.RcvdStream := DataIn; Http.URL := 'http://localhost:9090/index.php'; ; try http.Post; { Data sent, copy the webserver response to the DisplayMemo } DataIn.Seek(0, 0); myres.LoadFromStream(DataIn); except { An error occured ! } Showmessage('HTTP Failed : ' + Http.ReasonPhrase); end; DataOut.Free; DataIn.Free; end; What is wrong? Regards Rocco Neri -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://www.elists.org/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be