Francois PIETTE wrote:
>> what do you think?
> The getter could be changed but this could break something elsewhere

I don't know where else this might be impotant. Instead I thought that
V6 is an oportunity to get rid of the old ballast  

> depending on the handle being created when needed. Since checking the
> handle value is useful to know if attached or not to a thread, maybe
> a simple new method IsThreadAttached could be created, just returning
> Result := FHandle <> 0;
> Then the offending code could be changed to:
>        if Assigned(FServer) and FServer.IsThreadAttached then
>            PostMessage(Server.Handle, Server.FMsg_WM_CLIENT_CLOSED,

That won't help, because that client would never be freed. If the 
developer detaches the window handle he becomes responsible for what
was doing, so raising a meaningfull error rather than allocating a new
window in the background is the wayto go, mytwo cents.

> btw: IsThreadAttached is probably the best name. It's just was is
> passing thru my head now.
> --
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> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Arno Garrels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "ICS support mailing" <>
> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 9:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [twsocket] V6 ThreadDetach #2
>> Francois PIETTE wrote:
>>> You get the session closed after calling ThreadDetach ?
>> Yes, since I'm always stress testing. A client may disconnect at
>> any time. It would be more straight ahead if the getter would become
>> a real getter (returning zero if there's no window available) then
>> checking the return value of PostMessage and raising an exception if
>> necessary, in this case it propably would be something like
>> "Invalid handle" that would make much more sense finding the bug,
>> what do you think?
>> ---
>> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
>>> --
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Arno Garrels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "ICS support mailing" <>
>>> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 8:55 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [twsocket] V6 ThreadDetach #2
>>>> Already got it! It is as I wrote in my previous mail...
>>>> procedure TWSocketClient.TriggerSessionClosed(ErrCode : Word);
>>>> begin
>>>>    if not FSessionClosedFlag then begin
>>>>        FSessionClosedFlag := TRUE;
>>>>        if Assigned(FServer) then
>>>>            PostMessage(Server.Handle, Server.FMsg_WM_CLIENT_CLOSED,
>>>> ErrCode,
>>>>                        {$IFDEF CLR}
>>>>                        Integer(IntPtr(Self.HandleGc)));
>>>>                        {$ENDIF}
>>>>                        {$IFDEF WIN32}
>>>>                        LongInt(Self));
>>>>                        {$ENDIF}
>>>>        inherited TriggerSessionClosed(ErrCode);
>>>>    end;
>>>> end;
>>>> A getter that automatically allocates a new window handle is a bad
>>>> solution!
>>>> Francois Piette wrote:
>>>>> For debugging purpose, do this:
>>>>> Create a global public variable in wndcontrol, initialize it to
>>>>> false.
>>>>>> From your thread exceute, just after threaddetach, set it to
>>>>>> true. From the routine where the window handle is allocated (I
>>>>>> haven't the code
>>>>> here, I do from my head), add this:
>>>>> if MyGlobalVar then
>>>>>     OutputDebugString('Got it');
>>>>> Then place a breakpoint on the OutputDebugString line and run your
>>>>> program. When (if) the breakpoint is hit, have a look at the stack
>>>>> trace to understand where it comes from.
>>>>> Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit
>>>>> --
>>>>> Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
>>>>> Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Arno Garrels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> To: "ICS support mailing" <>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:37 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [twsocket] V6 ThreadDetach #2
>>>>>> Arno Garrels wrote:
>>>>>>> Francois PIETTE wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Not sure what you mean. The problem is that even if you call
>>>>>>>>> ThreadDetach (which is to make the component windowless) you
>>>>>>>>> cannot be sure that the component will not allocate another
>>>>>>>>> window handle somewhere in the background
>>>>>>>>> after that call to ThreadDetach.
>>>>>>>> I don't see how the component would create another window
>>>>>>>> handle once ThreadDetach has been called: no event will be
>>>>>>>> generated anymore. Only the currently executing event will
>>>>>>>> continue execution ans far as memory serve me well, no event
>>>>>>>> recreate a window handle.
>>>>>> Typo, sorry!
>>>>>> Correction:
>>>>>> If so, why do I get this exception? ThreadDetach is executed and
>>>>>> property Handle is set to zero. Nevertheless the exeption is
>>>>>> raised. So a window handle must have been allocated after the
>>>>>> call to ThreadDetach somewhere. Please tell me what might be
>>>>>> wrong with the very simple code I posted before. There's no
>>>>>> deadlock, sure. Especially not if you exchange WaitFor by
>>>>>> WaitForSingleObject. Also, as far as I can see entire methode
>>>>>> ThreadDetach is blocking, so the thread shouldn't signal before
>>>>>> the window handle was set to zero, right? --
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