> I think I'm missing something critical but can't quite figure it out.

Your are missing the fact that you use UDP and not TCP. UDP is 
connectionless and sessionless. So don't use TWSocketServer. Use TWSocket, 
make it listen and the just handle OnDataAvailable event to call Receive to 
get the incomming datagrams.
Have a look at the document "TCP/UDP primer" available from support page at 
my website.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Dammeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'ICS support mailing'" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:04 PM
Subject: [twsocket] When does OnSessionAvailable event fire

> Hi,
> I've finally been able to restart a project from last October.  Something
> has gone missing and code that used to work doesn't anymore.  So I have to
> sort of start over.  I've followed the example code, looked at my postings
> from back then in the archives but I'm having problems with the following
> sequence.
> On FormShow I execute the following code:
>    if FirstTime then begin
>        SrvSocket.Proto   := 'udp';
>        SrvSocket.Addr    := '';        // Use loopback
>        SrvSocket.Port    := PortEdit.Text;    // Wait on this port (4000).
>        SrvSocket.Listen;                      // Start listening for 
> client
> which also fires
>      //
> OnSessionConnected.
>   FirstTime := FALSE;
>        PortEdit.Enabled := FALSE;
>    end;
> As per the example in the FAQ I want to run this method when
> 'OnSessionAvailable' fires but it never happens.  What's needed to make 
> this
> event fire?  Running a client on that port (4000) doesn't seem to do
> anything while sending UDP messages to that port from a client app does 
> get
> through.
> I think I'm missing something critical but can't quite figure it out.
> Thanks
> John Dammeyer
> procedure TForm1.SrvSocketSessionAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: 
> Word);
> var
>    NewHSocket : TSocket;
>    PeerName   : TSockAddrIn;
>    Peer       : String;
> begin
>    PortEdit.Enabled := TRUE;
>    { We need to accept the client connection }
>    NewHSocket := SrvSocket.Accept;
>    { And then associate this connection with our client socket }
>    CliSocket.Dup(NewHSocket);
>    { Wants to know who is connected to display on screen }
>    CliSocket.GetPeerName(PeerName, Sizeof(PeerName));
>    { User likes to see internet address in dot notation }
>    Peer := IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b1)) + '.' +
>            IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b2)) + '.' +
>            IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b3)) + '.' +
>            IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b4));
>    InfoLabel.Caption := 'Remote ' + Peer +
>                         ' connected. Port:' + CliSocket.GetPeerPort;
>    { Send a welcome message to the client }
>    //CliSocket.SendStr('Hello' + #13 + #10);
>    { Enable the server user to disconect the client }
>    DisconnectButton.Enabled := TRUE;
>    InitDisplayButton.Enabled := TRUE;
> end;
> -- 
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