Hi everyone, I have a spooky situation. I send a file.txt. This file contans some default chars as any file can have. This file is sended with the proc below to a java application. This java application will block reading until it has read all chars. Now the problem is, that the java will get some stack errors, only when certain chars are sended in this file.txt ( and i realy don't know wich chars, but a test, leaving some chars out of the file, point in that direction, the size is not imported) I know this looks more like a java problem, but maybe somebody has encountered something simular. So my question is : are their any chars or combination, that could be sensitive ? This question is as wierd then the problem I have :).
Thanks for any idees Greetings Werner procedure TMainForm.SendFile(sCmd,sFile:string); var Fs: TFileStream; Buffer: array[0..1023] of byte; iCount: Integer; begin Fs:=TFileStream.Create(sFile, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); try { send size file } CliSocket.SendStr(IntToStr(Fs.Size)+#13#10); { send file } repeat iCount:=Fs.Read(Buffer,sizeof(Buffer)); if iCount > 0 then CliSocket.Send(@Buffer,iCount); until iCount <= 0; { flush socket } CliSocket.Flush; finally Fs.Free; end; end; -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://www.elists.org/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be