Kevin Dreher wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm learning now Delphi 7 and I want to creat my own FTP Server, but how
> can 
> I write Users in the ICS FTP Component ? I just got always the Anoumous
> Access

You have the source ;-)

procedure TSslFtpServerForm.SslFtpServer1Authenticate(Sender: TObject;
  Client: TFtpCtrlSocket; UserName, Password: TFtpString;
  var Authenticated: Boolean);
    { You should place here the code needed to authenticate the user. }
    { For example a text file with all permitted username/password.   }
    { If the user can't be authenticated, just set Authenticated to   }
    { false before returning.                                         }
    { It is also the right place to setup Client.HomeDir              }
    { If you need to store info about the client for later processing }
    { you can use Client.UserData to store a pointer to an object or  }
    { a record with the needed info.                                  }
    InfoMemo.Lines.Add('! ' + Client.GetPeerAddr +
                       ' User ''' + UserName + ''' is authenticated');
    if Password = 'bad' then
        Authenticated := FALSE;

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

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