As far as I know WaitForSingle(/Multiple)Object will block your thread, and if you are working with a single thread that means it will block you main thread indefinitely because once blocked you cannot set events or semnalize semaphores etc..
There are some cases in which OnRequestDone is not called if you're aborting your request. As far as I remember if you are aborting on DNS lookup or before any connection has been made are cases when it is not sure that the event will fire. I've had hard time solving this kinds of problems. A thing which I can tell that you that you should experiment as much as possible with the reproduction of your bug and try to come up with a solution which will fit your needs best. Try to debug your code and HttpCli code. regards, Tibor Paul wrote: >> Which error code do you get ? >> > > Always hard to tell : I get the information from someone on the planet :-( > I've tried to simulate it here, but no luck so far. > > Does the Abort method works immediately or is it better to destroy and > recreate the component ? > > >> It is probably a good idea to wait a few seconds before retrying. >> > Using sleep or using WaitForSingleObject/WaitForMultipleObjects ? > In other words : may this be a blocking or non-blocking wait? > > > Paul > > -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at