Thanks Wilfred, but I need to send the next message only after I receive the
ok from server.

Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:

>Hello Larini,
>>I'm getting unstable times, from 70 ms to 3 seconds.
>This can happen. It is depending the traffic on the network. If very
>heavy on a large network it _can_ take a while.
>>while gWait do
>This is not needed, you only waste CPU here. Use ClientDataAvailable to
>send the next, not for flagging a loop !
>Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
>Wednesday, November 9, 2005, 21:26, Larini wrote:
>>Hi, here is my simple app, one client and one server. The mission: send a
>>message from client to server and wait for replay.
>>I'm getting unstable times, from 70 ms to 3 seconds. My question is: this
>>normal? What kind of client-server configuration I must have to get more
>>stable results (like 200 ms most of time)?
>>procedure TForm2.clientSessionConnected(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word);
>>var a:Integer;
>>for a:=0 to 500 do
>>Client.SendLine('************************************************* msg to
>>server *****************************************');
>>while gWait do
>>procedure TForm2.clientDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word);
>>var s:String;
>>if ErrCode<>0 then
>>memo1.lines.add(Inttostr(Gettickcount-LastTick)+' - '+ trim(s));
>>procedure TForm1.CliSocketDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word);
>>var s:String;
>>if ErrCode<>0 then
>>s:=(sender as TWSocket).ReceiveStr;
>>(sender as TWSocket).SendLine(trim(s));
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