Thank you guys for your quick replies.
I reply here to your different messages.

Kirk Dunlap wrote:

 > Geppy,
 > It would be helpful to see how you are receiving it. Show us some code on
 > the receive side of this.

as server I used the one contained in Wilfried's example at
The ClientDataAvailable event is the following one:

procedure TForm1.ClientDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; Error: Word);
    Count: integer;
    if Error <> 0 then
       Log(ltError, 'ClientDataAvailable', Error);
    with Sender as TClient do
       Count := Receive(Rcvd + WritePtr, RcvdSize - WritePtr);
       if Count <= 0 then                     // check if we received something
       if IsRcvBin then
          inc(WritePtr, Count);               // calculate pointers
          if RcvdSize - WritePtr < 1024 then  // are we running out of 
buffer space
             //inc(RcvdSize, 8192);
             RcvdSize := RcvdSize * 2;
             ReAllocMem(Rcvd, RcvdSize);
          if WritePtr = RcvdCount then        // have we received all we need
       if Count <= 2 then
       Rcvd[Count - 2] := #0;                 // we have to make it null 
terminated for the interpreter
       on E: exception do
          Log(ltError, 'ClientDataAvailable', E.Message);

This server implements a simple protocol: a text command 5 characters long 
followed by some data.

Arno Garrels wrote:

 > Is LineMode enabled on the server-side?

No, LineMode is False.

 > What does your DataAvailable handler on the server?

Please see above.

Wilfried [TeamICS] wrote:

 > Not needed to switch LineMode at the sender. TWSocket will only use
 > lineMode whilst receivin.
 > Also better to work event driven between the 2 applications:
 > - send data whitch tell receiver you want to send a certain binary
 > - receiver set linemode to false and answer 'ok i'm ready'
 > - sender send the binary when he received the 'ok ready'

Maybe the problem is here.
I send the command and the record without waiting any reply from server.

 > - receiver say 'ok received' and switch lineMode back on
 > - sender can go on now with next command if any
 > on sender lineMode may be switched on all the time as he does only
 > receive line based commands.

I'll try this way.

Angus Robertson wrote:

 > The simplest improvement in your example would be work out the total
 > length of string and record, send that length first, followed by a short
 > string with length byte, then the binary record. Or just move the
 > string into the record (as ShortString). You then know exactly how much
 > data is being received, and can wait for as many packets as it takes.
 > It will not necessarily arrive in a single packet.

In the real application, the records to be sent will be 3 or 4 different 
ones, so the server cannot knows in advance how much data it will receive.
For this reason I'd like to implement a simple protocol like Wilfried did 
in his example, where the text command tells which record the client is 
going to send.

Thank you for all your replies.

Geppy Piloni

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