Why don't you use TWSocketServer ?
Are you reinventing the wheel ?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Dammeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'ICS support mailing'" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:00 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Error 10048 in TWSocket

> Hi all,
> I have a server and a client.  The Server application is started and does
> the following:
>    SrvSocket.Proto   := 'tcp';
>    SrvSocket.Addr    := '';   // Use any interface
>    SrvSocket.Port    := '4000';    // Wait on this port.
>    SrvSocket.Listen;                 // Start listening for client
> I then start up the client which does this:
>    CliSocket.Proto    := 'tcp';
>    CliSocket.Addr     := HostnameEdit.Text;
>    CliSocket.Port     := '4000';
>    CliSocket.LocalPort  := '4001';
>    CliSocket.Connect;
> So far so good.  When the connection is established the server shows this:
>    { We need to accept the client connection }
>    NewHSocket := SrvSocket.Accept;
>    { And then associate this connection with our client socket }
>    CliSocket.Dup(NewHSocket);
>    { Wants to know who is connected to display on screen }
>    CliSocket.GetPeerName(PeerName, Sizeof(PeerName));
>    { User likes to see internet address in dot notation }
>    Peer := IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b1)) + '.' +
>            IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b2)) + '.' +
>            IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b3)) + '.' +
>            IntToStr(ord(PeerName.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b4));
>    InfoLabel.Caption := 'Remote ' + Peer + ' connected. Port:' +
>    CliSocket.GetPeerPort;
> And then the Server can send information to the client.
>    m.Attrib := REVERSE_TEXT;
>    m.Cmd := ATTRTEXT_CMD;
>    CliSocket.Send(@m,sizeof(m));
> The problem come with disconnecting and reconnecting.
> If I disconnect the server first by:
>    { Server Application: Shutdown Server }
>    CliSocket.ShutDown(SD_BOTH);              { Shut the communication down
> }
>    CliSocket.Close;                          { Close the communication
> }
>    SrvSocket.ShutDown(SD_BOTH);              { Shut the communication down
> }
>    SrvSocket.Close;                          { Close the communication
> }
> And then shut down the client:
>    { Client Application: Shut down client }
>    CliSocket.ShutDown(SD_BOTH);              { Shut the communication down
> }
>    CliSocket.Close;
> I can easily reconnect without problems.
> However if I run the Client shutdown code first (or terminate the client
> application and restart) and shutdown the server code last,  I get the 
> Error
> 10048 which is 'Port in use'.  That implies (since the client application 
> is
> terminated and restarted), that the server application seems to be hanging
> onto the port.
> How do I code it so either side can 'crash', be rebooted or just 
> disconnect
> and reconnect?
> Thanks,
> John Dammeyer
> -- 
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