Yes, I already have even debug the thread with problem, and checked
that, the server and client events, both are called in the same thread, and,
an detail I haven't said before is that the client socket is being activated
the serversocket event onconnect, I mean, when the listener socket becomes
available it starts the socketclient connection, is this a problem?

----- Original Message -----
To: "ICS support mailing" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] problem within a nt service (again)

There is no problem having an application a server and a client at the same
If using a thread, be sure to have your components created from the thread's
execute method otherwise the events will not run in the thread's context. As
far as I remember, a service has a worker thread per subservice. Have a look
at the service source code if you have a Delphi version that include source


----- Original Message -----
From: "Moacir Flávio Gonçalves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: [twsocket] problem within a nt service (again)

> People,
> I'm actually debbuging my nt service is triggering an access violation
> reading address 0, and I
> start it over, putting one thing back at a time until I can find what is
> triggering the error.
> Well, now I found it and is like this:
> With only a TWSocketServer it run ok, no problem...
> With a TWSocketServer and a TWSocket - boom - the error appear.
> Well, actually the TWSocketServer and TWSocket are inside components of my
> own, and I believe
> they (my own) have problem, but the weird thing is:
> 1- If they run alone - only a Server or only a Client, it runs ok, only
> together the problem
> arises;
> 2- My service isn't multi-threaded - I HAVEN'T started any thread, BUT,
> the problem occurs in
> ANOTHER thread - sometimes i'm debugging and when a step the code it goes
> stack overflow and I
> call stack and threads (ctrl+alt+t) shows the other thread running...
> actually when a press F9 in
> that thread, debug comes back to my thread and I continue debugging it,
> until I it get back to
> the call that started (or F9, whatever) and the service is finished
> because of the other error.
> So I'm searching for my error, but, by the way, want to know if it can be
> another thing anyones
> had knowledge of.. (well, I have many applications server-only and
> client-only working well)...
> Please, if someone has a clue...
> Flavio
> --
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