About Question 2, Ok ! I saw the source code of EmulVT, thanks...
But the question 1, OnSessionAvailable on server, I execute this code below:
Don't forgot uses shellapi;
procedure TForm1.SrvSocketSessionAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word);
ClientFileName, ClientParams, ClientDir : array [0..255] of char;
NewHSocket : TSocket;
NewHSocket := SrvSocket.Accept;
Caption := Inttostr(newhsocket);
StrPCopy(@ClientFileName, 'c:\atual\project2.exe');
StrPCopy(@ClientParams, ''+ inttostr(newhsocket));
StrPCopy(@ClientDir, 'c:\atual\');
ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', @ClientFileName, @ClientParams, @ClientDir, SW_SHOW);
in the client application, I establish the connection reading the parameters...
This is a bad example to perform this operation ! In your sample programs, you establish the connection in the same project, the application have a form client.
Execute a client to receive a connection is necessary, because if I execute two or more clients in the same project, the operations executed by clients not can execute in the same time. A client waiting for another client, do you understand ? This restriction don't is
required by communication, but the application that emulated... This application access old routines with sharing memory and I don't have access to source code.
If you have a idea about this, i like it ! A code example about establish conection in another application is very good ! :)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Francois Piette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" <>
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Telnet
I'm using ICS - TWSocket and I wrote a server that listen on port, waiting a
connection. A client telnet connect to this IP/port and the server execute
another application to receive this connection. The server is a single
receive of connections.
Question 1 = Did you already make something similar ? If you made this, please send-me a example !!! :)
I'm not sure I understand "execute another application to receive this connection".
There are several sample programs that accept TCP connections. See the project group delivered with
Question 2 = Do you have anything documentation about emuling terminal
VT100/VT220 ? I can send to the client telnet commands to position cursor,
make a frame, etc... Do you know this functions ? I saw your sample about
emuling terminal, server/client.
You'll find all (well most) function in the EmulVT component which decode all those escape
sequences for rendering on screen.
You'll find plenty documentation by searching with google for "ansi escape sequences" (without
double quotes).
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