
I ran an experiment to run the Twisted tests on Ubuntu 20.4 using this
version of using pypy3:

*Python 3.6.9 (2ad108f17bdb, Apr 07 2020, 02:29:05*
*Pypy 7.3.1 with GCC 7.3.1 20180303 (Red Hat 7.3.1-5)*

A bunch of the conch tests failed in this Ubuntu environment:
like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):  File
line 1780, in test_ellipticCurveDiffieHellman    onData=onData,  File
line 716, in loopback    self.serverPort = reactor.listenSSL(0,
serverFactory, serverCertOpts)  File
line 593, in listenSSL    tlsFactory =
tls.TLSMemoryBIOFactory(contextFactory, False, factory)  File
line 748, in __init__    contextFactory =
_ContextFactoryToConnectionFactory(contextFactory)  File
line 629, in __init__    oldStyleContextFactory.getContext()  File
line 1636, in getContext    self._context = self._makeContext()  File
line 1645, in _makeContext    ctx.use_certificate(self.certificate)  File
line 960, in use_certificate    _raise_current_error()  File
"/opt/hostedtoolcache/PyPy/3.6.9/x64/lib_pypy/_functools.py", line 80, in
__call__    return self._func(*(self._args + fargs), **fkeywords)  File
line 54, in exception_from_error_queue    raise
exception_type(errors)OpenSSL.SSL.Error: [('SSL routines',
'SSL_CTX_use_certificate', 'ee key too

I'm not sure what the root problem is, but my suspicion is that the SSL
library in this particular Ubuntu environment
does not permit keys smaller than 2048 bits.

Anyone have any other ideas as to the cause of this error?

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