I don't think Trojita does either one of these things.
Trojita's goal at this point is to do the basics (IMAP communication
and synchronization) better than anyone else.
Advanced features aren't a very high priority.


On Monday, September 5, 2022 2:22:03 PM PDT, Jerry Houston wrote:
I need an IMAP email client for a project that has two requirements: (a) it must support creating a mailing list (of addresses), and (b) it must support message filters that include an action to forward an incoming email to such a mailing list, not just a single email address.

I've tried Thunderbird, Vivaldi Mail, and Kmail,but none of these supports both requirements. Trojita is available to me in the Solus OS repository, so I thought I'd ask about it here before I install it and give it a try. Thanks for your attention!

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