Hello again,
Was this enough information to be able to identify the problem or do you
need me to perform more experiments?
Thanks for your help!
I have recently upgraded my IMAP server from cyrus-imapd 2.4.17 to
cyrus-imapd 3.0.8. Since then the search box in Trojita returns no
results for any query. Search seems to work in other MUAs. I don't
seem to get any error messages in the Cyrus logs. Runninn Trojita on
the command line does not provide anything on stdout when running a
search in the UI.
What do I need to do to debug this issue further?
We will need to see the debug IMAP logs. You can gather them via the
main menu, IMAP -> Debugging -> Show protocol log, then try to perform
that search, and then the content of the last tab should provide
enough information.
This is what I get when I type "trojita" into the search bar and press
the Enter key:
16:41:42.570 >>> y254 IDLE␍␊
16:41:42.578 <<< + idling␍␊
16:41:50.344 >>> DONE␍␊
16:41:50.344 Imap::Mailbox::SortTask Activated
16:41:50.366 >>> y255 UID SEARCH RETURN (ALL) CHARSET utf-8 OR FUZZY
SUBJECT trojita FUZZY FROM trojita␍␊
16:41:50.375 <<< * 133125 EXISTS␍␊
16:41:50.375 <<< * 1 RECENT␍␊
16:41:50.375 <<< y254 OK Completed␍␊
16:41:50.376 >>> y256 UID FETCH 202874:* (FLAGS)␍␊
16:41:50.400 <<< y255 OK Completed (0 msgs in 0.001 secs)␍␊
16:41:50.493 Imap::Mailbox::SortTask Completed
16:41:50.498 <<< * 133125 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent) UID 202874)␍␊
16:41:50.498 <<< y256 OK Completed (0.005 sec)␍␊