I just did a shutdown and restart from cold, and it worked, every time. But
this is no different to upgrades and reboots except this time it did start
from cold. This is not unique.I have attached a list generated by the
system profiler & benchmark utillity.
I'm using Lubuntu 18.10 which uses the Discover utility for installations.
This does not mention address books, and I don't recall being asked to
install anything. Not plugins, abook programs, nothing. The Trojita program
knows about existing addresses but no labelled option to add anything.
I just found a very basic address book under the unlabelled + symbol at the
upper right of the program. Select that then select IMAP then select
address book.
The program just unloaded when trying to sort by the name box. And the
sorting by date is the same as it was.
On Friday, 22 March 2019 17:47:24 GMT, Jan Kundrát wrote:
David is not on the list, so I'm adding him to the Cc. David, see below.
I'm having a problem with displaying a sorted list of
incoming email with the most recent at the top. Clicking the
Date header usually just unloads trojita. When retarting, the
list is back to normal with the oldest mails shown at the top.
For me, the Date header functions as you want it to. Clicking
it should not crash Trojita. Can you provide more specifics:
version, platform, etc.
Also, I would like to see the address book but there does not
seem to be an option for this.
Do you have the plugin installed? Do you have abook installed?