Dear friends at Trojita, first of all many thanks for my favourite e-mail program!
I have used Trojita on Linux for some time now, and I have decided to extend my own Tcl software "BiblePix" to work with Trojita signatures. BiblePix, among other things, daily adds 'The Word' (two Bible verses) to any e-mail signatures present. While most mailers use extra files for signatures (which are easy to handle), Trojita keeps this information in the configuration section (which makes things a bit harder). It took me some time to find out where Trojita stores its iformation on Windows!
Anyway, my question is about the encoding mechanism used on Linux. While the Windows Registry seems to handle UTF-8 perfectly for any languages and alphabets, on Linux Trojita seems to convert non-Ascii signs into some Hex code. Now I can do a [binary encode hex] on the text to save it to the trojita.conf file. But this only works with some more common European languages like French or Spanish. Languages like Hungarian (see below) come out partly wrong. Foreign scripts like Arabic or Hebrew come out as total gibberish. What encoding/conversion mechanism do you actually use for non-Ascii characters in the Linux config?
Thanks for helping and God bless! -- Mit freundlichem Gruss / Yours sincerely, Peter Vollmar Ch-9100 Herisau, Switzerland ===== Útmutató 2019. február 11-re hétfQre ===== Jézus így szólt a farizeusokhoz: Kicsoda közületek az az ember, a kinek van egy juha, és ha az szombatnapon a verembe esik, meg nem ragadja és ki nem vonja azt? Mennyivel drágább pedig az ember a juhnál! Szabad tehát szombatnapon jót cselekedni. Máté 12,1112 A szombat lQn az emberért, nem az ember a szombatért. Márk 2,27 []