On woensdag 13 april 2016 15:29:30 CEST, Jan Kundrát wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 21:10:58 CEST, Erik Quaeghebeur wrote:
So there's no error message next/underneath a password field in
the setting dialog, right? That means that QtKeychain reports
itself as working.
After installing 0.6.2, I did get a symbol issue and segfault,
but this was already with latest git.
Do you have a backtrace? This should have been fixed as of
Thursday 7th, commit da070e70ca28761d58c1534e7bc88c9cd74cbd17.
No, sorry. I assumed that this would reproduce itself, but it didn't. (I am
very sure that I was running git>April 7th.)
Does the qtkeychain plugin log anything?
Nope; errors are shown to the user through the settings dialog.
This should improve it: https://gerrit.vesnicky.cesnet.cz/r/698
Ok, this gives a message when nothing can be retreived. I think the main
issue for me is that nothing is stored. Today, I managed to get the kwallet
migration to work and so my Trojita passwords were copied. After that,
things worked fine, except for one profile, where (for some reason) the
password value was empty in the wallet; it did not get filled.