On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 11:38:51PM +0100, Erik Quaeghebeur wrote:
> I use different Trojita instances with different profiles set (-p
> <profilename>) to access different accounts. When restarting my window
> management session, e.g., after a shutdown, the profile information is not
> preserved, so that multiple profile-less Trojita instances are started.

Session management in Qt 4/5 is badly broken.
I assume you're using the systray icon (for otherwise trojitá should not
restart at all...)

It's required to QSessionManager::setRestartCommand() and connect
Overmore all closeEvents must be intercepted and denied when
the session presently quits (which we don't know...)
Some updates itr, should show up in Qt 5.6, you can tell QApplication to not
mindlessy close all windows on session end.



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