Just a heads-up -- the patch series has been updated, it no longer depends
on the QCA library because of technical issues in this
not-so-well-maintained Qt wrapper.
We're now using GpgME++, a C++ wrapper around libgpgme. You can get it from
KDE's git, and don't worry, it needs just ECM, the extra-cmake-modules, and
One of GpgME++'s benefits over QCA is that there's no delay of 16 seconds
when verifying a message with a modestly-sized keyring. I don't like
16-second delays.
All changes are available at [1], the tip is currently [2]. Comments and
feedback on how well it works or how it breaks horribly are appreciated.
For the C++11 fans among the audience, it involves use of std::async and
futures, wow! :)
[1] https://gerrit.vesnicky.cesnet.cz/r/#/q/topic:gpg+is:open
[2] https://gerrit.vesnicky.cesnet.cz/r/642
Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP e-mail client -- http://trojita.flaska.net/