In my inbox i have among others 13 messages zombie. I cannot delete them or perform any action. 2 of them are marked as non read. When i connect from my phone's client or from zimbra web interface i don't have these messages in the inbox.
In logs i didn't see anything
12:12:24.258 Network Session User's preference changed: NETWORK_ONLINE
12:12:24.258 Network Session Opening network session
12:12:24.258 Network Session Session is open (configuration wlp0s18f2u2), online state: online 12:12:54.938 Imap::Mailbox::UpdateFlagsTask Failed: Διέφυγε από το γραμματοκιβώτιο (escaped from mailbox) 12:12:54.938 Imap::Mailbox::UpdateFlagsTask Failed: Διέφυγε από το γραμματοκιβώτιο

Is there any way to reinitialize the database ?
I deleted the cache without success

Also there is a progress bar in the satusbar infinitely (but not always)

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