Hi, sorry for being late.

On Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013 14:39:36 CEST, Francesco Riosa wrote:

It was not totally satisfying for me too but it was easy and fast, I will
try to mimic the account selection next

My initial approach was to just have a QListView containing the account names with 
"Add"/"Remove" buttons on the left and the regular setup on the right (updating 
w/ selecting an entry on the left) - pretty similar to the addressbook ;-)

I don't like the account dialog too much as it adds a mostly empty list, 
consuming the first page, and stashes the relevant settings behind a button.

a) that slows things down
b) it's not really justified, given that the actual config page is not that 
full and we've plenty of horizontal space nowadays =)


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