Hi all, I've begun developing Trojita for BlackBerry 10.
I've been speaking with Jan about some issues that faces me and he told me that its better to move the discussion to the ML. Now to the issue. I've successfully managed to compile the libImap and began writing the front-end by taking the Harmattan version as a reference. I've filled the ImapModel with the username and password the necessary credentials and began asking the ImapModel for data using: m_imapDataModel->model()->rowCount(QModelIndex()); (model() returns an ImapModel*) Afterwards I get two dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex) signals and not even one rowsAboutToBeInserted(QModelIndex, int , int ) The main problem for me is that I dont see and line in the Debugging console. Although my own qDebug statements is being printed. I am using QtCreator 2.7.0. Is there something I could do in Trojita's source code that I can enable printing lines for instance ? Hope that someone could help in pointing me to the right direction.