On Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013 17:23:12 CEST, Jan Kundrát wrote:

An address book integration is missing from Trojita. If you feel like contributing patches

Ah, sh** - i forgot to send around the sources for the abook GUI, did I? (Yes, 
i certainly did)

It's not integrated into trojita in any way, but could (for an "ok" to the GUI) 
either as standalone binary (called by parameter to add entries from trojita) shared code 
etc. - we had that, just no final decision about the kind of integration - what i consider 
the founders & maintainers duty and privilegue ;-)

In case there's no standalone support that doesn't matter since i can still 
use/distribute this version (we maybe could agree on a mutex on the address 
file ;-)

Cheers & sorry,

, cool, please go ahead. If you
instead feel like spreading the word or donating yourself -- well, why not, the link to do that is:


Let's see how this ends up :).

With kind regards,

Attachment: be.contacts.txz
Description: application/xz-compressed-tar

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