Am 19.08.2012, 21:59 Uhr, schrieb Peter Morgan <>:

hi guys,

Been hacking away at looking at the MessageView.

I think I would like to change this a little..
The FROM, TO, CC etc.. Dates, Subject I would make into a widget at the top. and the WebView would remain the same below.. I hasten to add though, that
keeping the same style would be nice, ie whitel backgound etc..

Random thoughts on this (and TB)
- steals vertical space, issue with non-vertical mode (notice that CC can
be a quite long list)
- having the header blended into the message w/o any separation might look
weird on scrolling
- layout error prone? assuming a long sender line the buttons will either
overlay it or drop into the next line etc.
- aesthetic concern #1: more toolbar stacking (in case of non blended
- aesthetic concern #2 (present): no toolbar in the standalone window

Nevertheless, the current situation is probably not ideal and having the
message operations at the message is sane SDI.

Sort the actions to "general" (write mail, settings, show menubar, expunge), "message" (reply *, mark *) and "message list" (searching) and have three toolbars aligned to the sections (resp. moved down with the message view in the non-vertical mode and into the separate window as well) to get a uniform separation between action and content.

As for the static header, i would depend that on the remaining height of the message view (so a tiny window or giant header will lead to a non static header)


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