Le 25/10/2013 21:01, Laurent GUERBY a écrit :
> Bonsoir,
> Sur le sujet, une nouvelle interessante :
> http://lwn.net/Articles/571544/
> "Introducing ownCloud Documents"
> http://blog.karlitschek.de/2013/10/welcome-owncloud-documents.html
> "I'm talking about collaborative editing! This feature is implemented in
> an app called "ownCloud Documents" and will be part of ownCloud 6.
> People can view and edit their ODF text documents directly in the
> browser, inside your ownCloud. Another cool thing is that you can invite
> users from the same ownCloud to work collaboratively on the same
> document with you. Or you can send invitation links by email to  people
> outside your server to collaborate with you on the document."

Excellent ! Merci de l'info.

J'ai cherché un peu si LibreOffice Cloud avait avancé, mais c'est dur de
trouver de l'info récente !

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