packet capture from a reproduction run

** Description changed:

- Platform: Qemu/libvirt on AMD64
- Ubuntu version: 20.04
- isc-dhcp-client version: 4.4.1-2.1ubuntu5
- Problem: When dhclient is used during boot every few reboots the DHCP OFFER 
packets aren't pushed from the kernel to dhclient. The DISCOVER packets can be 
seen in strace and tcpdump. The OFFER packets can be seen in tcpdump, but no 
read event is triggered.
- Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't have the problem, neither does Debian 10. Building these 
dhclient versions on Ubuntu 20.04 alleviates the problem a little, but it still 
occurs. So this issue might also be kernel related.
- Attached diff shows a strace of all threads and a pcap showing the
- tcpdump output.
- Edit:
- - Sometimes the dhclient command does receive the OFFER packet and connection 
is restored.
- - In my testing running dhclient manually from the terminal when the OFFERs 
aren't received will result in a new dhclient session which does receive the 
OFFER packet and connection is restored.
+ [Impact]
+ Occasionally, during instance boot or machine start-up, dhclient will
+ attempt to acquire a dhcp lease and fail, leaving the instance with no
+ IP address and making it unreachable.
+ This happens about once every 100 reboots on bare metal, or Chris
+ Patterson in comment #2 describes it as affecting between ~0.3% to 2% of
+ deployments on Microsoft Azure. Azure uses dhclient called from cloud-
+ init instead of systemd-networkd, and this is causing issues with larger
+ deployments.
+ The logs of an affected dhclient produce the following:
+ Listening on LPF/enp1s0/52:54:00:1c:d7:00
+ Sending on   LPF/enp1s0/52:54:00:1c:d7:00
+ Sending on   Socket/fallback
+ DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0xd222950f)
+ DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 5 (xid=0xd222950f)
+ ...
+ (omitting 20 similar lines)
+ ...
+ DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 13 (xid=0xd222950f)
+ DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 8 (xid=0xd222950f)
+ DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 6 (xid=0xd222950f)
+ No DHCPOFFERS received.
+ No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.
+ Full log:
+ Log of a working run:
+ The bizarre thing is when you tcpdump dhclient, we see all DHCPDISOVER
+ packets being replied to with DHCPOFFER packets, but the got_one()
+ callback is never called, dhclient does not read these DHCPOFFER
+ packets, and continues sending DHCPDISCOVER packets. Once it reaches 25
+ DHCPDISCOVER packets sent, it gives up.
+ tcpdump:
+ Screenshot of Wireshark:
+ This behaviour led several bug reporters to believe it was a kernel
+ issue, with the kernel not pushing DHCPOFFER packets to dhclient. This
+ is not the case, the actual problem is dhclient containing a thread
+ concurrency race condition, and when the race occurs, the read socket is
+ closed prematurely, and dhclient does not read any of the DHCPOFFER
+ replies.
+ The full explanation is in the "Other Info" section, but the fix for
+ this is to change bind9-libs from being built multithreaded, back to
+ single threaded as intended by dhclient maintainers.
+ In Focal and Jammy, isc-dhcp links against bind9 libraries provided in
+ bind9-libs, while in Kinetic onward isc-dhcp has an in-tree bind9
+ library it uses, which is already configured properly to --disable-
+ threads.
+ Change the Focal and Jammy bind9-libs to --disable-threads and update
+ symbol files to reflect the library is single threaded again.
+ [Testcase]
+ Start a fresh Focal or Jammy instance.
+ Download and set executable, and edit some lines:
+ 1) wget
+ 2) chmod +x
+ 3) vim
+ Change iface="enp5s0" to your interface, likely iface="enp1s0".
+ Comment out the line "#       cp bionic-dhclient $workdir/dhclient".
+ 4) sudo ./
+ After five minutes, if you issue reproduces, you will see "TEST FAILED".
+ You can watch the output with:
+ 5) cat /tmp/dhclient-* | less
+ Next, for instrumented runs, you need to build dhclient from source.
+ 1) sudo apt install build-essential devscripts
+ 2) apt source isc-dhcp
+ 3) sudo apt build-dep isc-dhcp
+ 4) cd isc-dhcp
+ Apply the below patch:
+ 5) patch -p1 < ~/patch.patch
+ 6) debuild -b -uc -us
+ 7) cd ..
+ 8) sudo dpkg -i isc-dhcp-client-*
+ 9) sudo ./
+ 10) cat /tmp/dhclient-* | less
+ Look for the race, as described in "Other Info", namely:
+ mruffell: registering with socket manager
+ mruffell: callback called
+ mruffell: omapi object is NULL
+ mruffell: omapi object is NULL
+ mruffell: Adding obj to linked list
+ mruffell: Obj added to list
+ The issue has reproduced.
+ If you install the test package from the following ppa:
+ Instructions to install (on a Focal or Jammy system):
+ 1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mruffell/sf337873-test
+ 2) sudo apt update
+ 3) sudo apt install libdns-export1109 libisc-export1105
+ 4) sudo apt-cache policy libisc-export1105 | grep Installed
+ Installed: 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ubuntu1+sf337873v20230116b2
+ You will notice the issue no longer reproduces.
+ You can also check to see if dhclient runs as multithreaded by:
+ $ ps aux | grep dhclient
+ <look for PID>
+ $ sudo ps -T -p 19512
+     PID    SPID TTY          TIME CMD
+   19512   19512 ?        00:00:00 dhclient
+   19512   19519 ?        00:00:00 isc-worker0000
+   19512   19521 ?        00:00:00 isc-socket
+   19512   19522 ?        00:00:00 isc-timer
+ When single threaded, the output should be:
+ $ sudo ps -T -p 23894
+   PID  SPID TTY          TIME CMD
+ 23894 23894 ?        00:00:00 dhclient
+ [Where problems could occur]
+ We are changing the configuration of bind9-libs for Focal and Jammy from
+ a net --enable-threads, to --disable-threads. This will remove
+ multithreading for bind9-libs and all applications that link to it.
+ bind9-libs only services isc-dhcp, as per apt rdepends in the "Other
+ Info" section, and the package was only introduced as a way to get isc-
+ dhcp to build with older bind9 libs, and avoid having bind9 in-tree.
+ In Kinetic onward, the bind9 libs are shipped in-tree for isc-dhcp, and
+ bind9-libs was removed from the archive.
+ Since we are only affecting isc-dhcp, we won't affect users of other
+ packages, unless they for some reason decided to link against bind9-libs
+ instead of the actual bind9 in the archive.
+ dhclient was never written for thread concurrency, shown by the lack of
+ any synchronisation primitives whatsoever, and won't be negatively
+ affected by going back to being single threaded, as it is in all other
+ Ubuntu releases.
+ We are editing the symbol files to remove exported library calls. I have
+ manually grep'd the isc-dhcp source, and those functions are not used,
+ but for any users that got confused and link against bind9-libs, they
+ might be affected by the change. For them, they need to link against the
+ actual bind9 in the archive.
+ [Other info]
+ I was reading around the upstream issue trackers, and found the
+ following two bug reports:
+ The ISC upstream report was actually quite detailed, and it has the same
+ symptoms of what we are experiencing.
+ Let's have a look at the root cause. The code I am using is isc-dhcp
+ 4.4.1-2.1ubuntu5.20.04.4 from Focal.
+ common/discover.c
+  567 void
+  568 discover_interfaces(int state) {
+ ...
+ 1002         case AF_INET:
+ 1003         default:
+ 1004             status = omapi_register_io_object((omapi_object_t *)tmp,
+ 1005                               if_readsocket,
+ 1006                               0, got_one, 0, 0);
+ 1007             break;
+ 1008         }
+ ...
+ In discover.c, we call discover_interfaces() to iterate over the
+ interfaces, and attempt to register a raw socket against it. We do this
+ by calling omapi_register_io_object() which is used for reading data,
+ and calls the elusive got_one() callback that you instrumented your code
+ to see if it was being called or not.
+ omapip/dispatch.c
+ 196 /* Register an I/O handle so that we can do asynchronous I/O on it. */
+ 197 
+ 198 isc_result_t omapi_register_io_object (omapi_object_t *h,
+ 199                        int (*readfd) (omapi_object_t *),
+ 200                        int (*writefd) (omapi_object_t *),
+ 201                        isc_result_t (*reader)
+ 202                         (omapi_object_t *),
+ 203                        isc_result_t (*writer)
+ 204                         (omapi_object_t *),
+ 205                        isc_result_t (*reaper)
+ 206                         (omapi_object_t *))
+ 207 {
+ ...
+ 241     /*
+ 242      * Attach the I/O object to the isc socket library via the 
+ 243      * fdwatch function.  This allows the socket library to watch
+ 244      * over a socket that we built.  If there are both a read and
+ 245      * a write socket we asssume they are the same socket.
+ 246      */
+ 247
+ 248     if (readfd) {
+ 249         fd_flags |= ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ;
+ 250         fd = readfd(h);
+ 251     }
+ ...
+ 257 
+ 258     if (fd_flags != 0) {
+ 259         status = isc_socket_fdwatchcreate(dhcp_gbl_ctx.socketmgr,
+ 260                           fd, fd_flags,
+ 261                           omapi_iscsock_cb,
+ 262                           obj,
+ 263                           dhcp_gbl_ctx.task,
+ 264                           &obj->fd);
+ ...
+ 275     }
+ 276 
+ 277 
+ 278     /* Find the last I/O state, if there are any. */
+ 279     for (p =;
+ 280          p && p -> next; p = p -> next)
+ 281         ;
+ 282     if (p)
+ 283         omapi_io_reference (&p -> next, obj, MDL);
+ 284     else
+ 285         omapi_io_reference (&, obj, MDL);
+ ...
+ omapi_register_io_object() is called for each socket created, in this
+ case, the if_readsocket from discover_interfaces(). The file descriptor
+ is assigned ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ, and we enter the if statement.
+ The if statement calls isc_socket_fdwatchcreate(), which registers the
+ socket with the ISC socket manager, and sets up the callback
+ omapi_iscsock_cb(), to be called.
+ Once that has been done, we iterate over the omapi_io_states linked
+ list, which is a global list of registered sockets. We get to the end of
+ the list (or the beginning, if the list is empty), and add the socket to
+ the list.
+ Now, the bug happens between calling isc_socket_fdwatchcreate() to
+ register the socket with the socket manager, and adding it to the global
+ linked list.
+ Sometimes, the callback omapi_iscsock_cb() is called inbetween.
+ omapip/dispatch.c
+ 101 /*
+ 102  * Callback routine to connect the omapi I/O object and socket with
+ 103  * the isc socket code.  The isc socket code will call this routine
+ 104  * which will then call the correct local routine to process the bytes.
+ 105  * 
+ 106  * Currently we are always willing to read more data, this should be 
+ 107  * so that on connections we don't read more if we already have enough.
+ 108  *
+ 109  * If we have more bytes to write we ask the library to call us when
+ 110  * we can write more.  If we indicate we don't have more to write we need
+ 111  * to poke the library via isc_socket_fdwatchpoke.
+ 112  */
+ ...
+ 118 #define SOCKDELETE 1
+ 119 int
+ 120 omapi_iscsock_cb(isc_task_t   *task,
+ 121          isc_socket_t *socket,
+ 122          void         *cbarg,
+ 123          int           flags)
+ 124 {
+ ...
+ 132 #if SOCKDELETE
+ 133     /*
+ 134      * walk through the io states list, if our object is on there
+ 135      * service it.  if not ignore it.
+ 136      */
+ 137     for (obj =; obj != NULL; obj = obj->next) {
+ 138         if (obj == cbarg)
+ 139             break;
+ 140     }
+ 141 
+ 142     if (obj == NULL) {
+ 143         return(0);
+ 144     }
+ 145 #else
+ ...
+ 164     if ((flags == ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ) &&
+ 165         (obj->reader != NULL) &&
+ 166         (obj->inner != NULL)) {
+ 167         status = obj->reader(obj->inner);
+ 168         /* 
+ 169          * If we are shutting down (basically tried to
+ 170          * read and got no bytes) we don't need to try
+ 171          * again.
+ 172          */
+ 173         if (status == ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN)
+ 174             return (0);
+ 175         /* Otherwise We always ask for more when reading */
+ 176         return (1);
+ ...
+ 188     /*
+ 189      * We get here if we either had an error (inconsistent
+ 190      * structures etc) or no more to write, tell the socket
+ 191      * lib we don't have more to do right now.
+ 192      */
+ 193     return (0);
+ 194 }
+ When omapi_iscsock_cb() is called, we iterate over that same
+ omapi_io_states global linked list, and since the raw socket we are
+ about to add is the very first item going to be placed on the list,
+ will be NULL, making obj set to NULL. Well what
+ happens when obj is NULL? We return 0.
+ 142     if (obj == NULL) {
+ 143         return(0);
+ 144     }
+ If you look down the code a little further, we see that if we are
+ finished with the socket, like shutting down, or an error happens, we
+ return 0 to indicate that we are done with this socket, and won't be
+ needing it anymore, and won't be using it again.
+ If we return 1, then we ask for more data later on, and
+ omapi_iscsock_cb() will be called again in the future.
+ So, by returning 0, we will no longer read any packets from the socket,
+ and thus, we simply ignore and will never read any DHCPOFFER packets.
+ We obviously have two sockets open, one for reading and one for writing,
+ since one is bound to port 67 and the other to port 68, so we keep
+ sending out DHCPDISCOVER packets, not knowing we are ignoring all
+ DHCPOFFERS due to the read socket being closed and not calling
+ omapi_iscsock_cb() ever again.
+ So, as explained on the upstream bug, what is needed for this race
+ condition to occur?
+ 1) There needs to be data that can be read immediately by the socket. This is 
how omapi_iscsock_cb() is called, when there is data waiting. If there is no 
data to read, then the race can't happen.
+ 2) Thread scheduling must occur in a particular order.
+ There are three threads:
+ a. The main thread, which is registering the socket
+ b. The socket manager coordinator thread
+ c. A socket manager worker thread
+ For the race to occur, we need to switch from a) to b) to schedule the
+ callback, b) to c) to call the callback and return 0, all before we
+ return from c) to a) to add the socket to the omapi_io_states linked
+ list.
+ To verify this, I added some print statements to omapi_iscsock_cb() and
+ omapi_register_io_object() to see what is happening:
+ I instrumented entry to the callback, as well as if obj is NULL, and
+ before and after the socket is registered to the socket manager, and
+ before and after the socket is added to the global linked list.
+ I built the new dhclient, and ran, since it by far is
+ the best at reproducing the issue. I concatenated all 20 /tmp/dhclient-*
+ logs to read:
+ If we look at one that works and gets the DHCPOFFER, we see:
+ We have two sockets, one that reads and one that writes. It registers
+ with the socket manager, adds the socket to the linked list, for both
+ sockets, one after the other, and then the DHCPDISOVER is set, and then
+ callbacks are called.
+ Now, when the issue reproduces:
+ We see that we register the read socket with the socket manager, and
+ immediately get a callback to omapi_iscsock_cb(), so there is likely a
+ packet to read already. We return NULL, since the socket is not on the
+ linked list yet, and strangely this happens twice when we have only
+ entered omapi_iscsock_cb() once. We then add the socket to the linked
+ list, showing we have hit the race condition. The writer socket is added
+ to the socket manager, but does not race, as it is added to the linked
+ list before the callback happens. The callback only seems to be called
+ for the writer socket, and we ignore all DHCPOFFER packets, only sending
+ I ran the script a few times, and each and every time
+ the issue reproduced, we had a NULL linked list, and returned 0 from
+ omapi_iscsock_cb(). So I am confident we have come across the root
+ cause.
+ Now, I had an idea of adding a sleep between registering to the socket
+ manager and adding the socket to the linked list, to try and get every
+ single agent to fail 100% of the time, hoping that the callback would be
+ called first.
+ The change is something like the likes of below:
+ But after I built it and ran it a few times, I couldn't reproduce the
+ issue at all. A typical run is below:
+ We can see that everything happens in the correct order, and the issue
+ is not reproduced. I think because each dhclient has to wait 2 seconds
+ before sending a DHCPDISCOVER, the network is quiet, and there is no
+ packet to read immediately, since neighboring agents are also quiet, so
+ the callback is not called, and the socket is added to the linked list
+ before the network gets busy.
+ The code itself to add the socket to the linked list was added in the
+ below commit, 22 years ago:
+ commit 61b844bfd7641a62d681a1f70d3b6dbc485ce4b6 
+ From: Ted Lemon <>
+ Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 00:32:56 +0000
+ Subject: Omapi library, initial checkin
+ Link:
+ Later on, the registration to the socket manager and the callback was
+ added 13 years ago:
+ commit 98bf16077d22f28e288a18e184a9d1f97cb5f4f7
+ From: Shawn Routhier <>
+ Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 04:12:30 +0000
+ Subject: Support for asynchronous ddns per ticket 19216 - convert to
+  using isclib and dnslib.
+ Link:
+ Finally, the null linked list check in the callback that returns 0 was
+ also added 13 years ago:
+ commit 8fa0112dd11ee301046b42fe463074b067e61a35
+ From: Shawn Routhier <>
+ Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 23:49:57 +0000
+ Subject: Ticket 20540 - clean ups for DHCP-DDNS work, add an change
+  dropped in the merge, arrange to handle callbacks from the socket code after
+  we've deleted the socket and deal with the quantum issue in the tasks.  This
+  last will be removed shortly as a better fix is now available.
+ Link:
+ This code and thus the bug is present in all versions of Ubuntu from
+ 10.04 LTS onward.
+ However, I could not reproduce on Bionic, Kinetic or Lunar, so I looked
+ into why this only seems to affect Focal and Jammy, when all versions
+ share the same buggy code.
+ It appears that Focal and Jammy dhclient is multithreaded:
+ $ sudo ps -T -p 19512
+     PID    SPID TTY          TIME CMD
+   19512   19512 ?        00:00:00 dhclient
+   19512   19519 ?        00:00:00 isc-worker0000
+   19512   19521 ?        00:00:00 isc-socket
+   19512   19522 ?        00:00:00 isc-timer
+ While on Bionic, Kinetic and Lunar, it presents only a single thread:
+ $ sudo ps -T -p 23894
+   PID  SPID TTY          TIME CMD
+ 23894 23894 ?        00:00:00 dhclient
+ You can't have thread concurrency issues if you run as a single thread.
+ The race conditions simply did not happen, since everything had to
+ execute in order, which is why this bug has existed for 13 years in its
+ current form.
+ Chris Patterson in comment #2 mentions when he built dhclient from the
+ latest Debian source, available here:
+ Chris mentions that it solves the problem, and that it uses in-tree bind
+ libraries. Looking into this, we see the tree has bind 9.11.36:
+ and its makefile explicitly shows threads being disabled:
+ bindconfig = 
+ ... 
+ --disable-threads
+ ...
+ bind 9.11.36 still supports disabling threads. Hence this is how the
+ upstream debian build did not reproduce the issue on Focal, since
+ threading was disabled and dhclient ran as a single thread.
+ On Kinetic and Lunar, the isc-dhcp package seems to track the debian
+ upstream version, with the very same in-tree bind libraries, set to
+ --disable-threads, which is why it is fixed in those versions.
+ So, we have two options for a fix for Focal and Jammy:
+ 1) We disable threading for dhclient.
+ 2) We add in a mutex to resolve this particular concurrency issue.
+ 2) was the plan, but when I think about it, if dhclient has such a basic
+ thread concurrency issue, and has had it for 13 years without anyone
+ noticing, it is a fair chance that this will not be the only thread
+ concurrency issue.
+ Looking at the source code, there is no mutexes or semaphores. pthread
+ isn't even a dependency, and it is not linked in. There is no thread
+ synchronisation primitives at all.
+ I think if we fix the problem, another issue will crop up in six months
+ time, and it will be another concurrency issue.
+ Now, there is a small issue that isc-dhcp is now officially End Of Life,
+ and has effectively been abandoned by upstream. You can read about it in
+ these notices:
+ Upstream won't fix any more bugs, make any new releases, or even accept
+ any new commits. They are putting their efforts into isc-kea now.
+ In which case, 1) to disabling threading seems better.
+ But it seems isc-dhcp on Focal and Jammy are both incompatible with
+ their native bind9 packages, and instead, use the libraries from
+ bind9-libs, a separate package that packages 9.11.16 for Focal and
+ 9.11.19 for Jammy, to work around the incompatibility issue.
+ Looking at the dependencies for isc-dhcp in Focal:
+ $ apt depends isc-dhcp-client
+ isc-dhcp-client
+   Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15)
+   Depends: libdns-export1109
+   Depends: libisc-export1105
+   Depends: debianutils (>= 2.8.2)
+   Depends: iproute2
+   Recommends: isc-dhcp-common
+   Suggests: resolvconf
+     openresolv
+   Suggests: avahi-autoipd
+   Suggests: isc-dhcp-client-ddns
+ We see we depend on libdns-export1109 and libisc-export1105 from bind9-libs.
+ Looking at those reverse dependencies:
+ $ apt rdepends libisc-export1105
+ libisc-export1105
+ Reverse Depends:
+   Depends: libbind-export-dev (= 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ubuntu1)
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-client
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-server-ldap
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-relay
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-client-ddns
+   Depends: libisccfg-export163
+   Depends: libisccc-export161
+   Depends: libirs-export161
+   Depends: libdns-export1109
+   Depends: libbind-export-dev (= 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~build1)
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-server
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-client
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-server-ldap
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-relay
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-client-ddns
+   Depends: libisccfg-export163
+   Depends: libisccc-export161
+   Depends: libirs-export161
+   Depends: libdns-export1109
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-client
+   Depends: isc-dhcp-server
+ It seems it is only isc-dhcp is a reverse dependency.
+ So it appears perfectly safe to change bind9-libs from --enable-threads
+ to --disable-threads.
+ Looking at their debian/rules files:
+ We see:
+ ...
+       --disable-threads \
+ ...
+       --enable-threads \
+ ...
+ It appears there has been a mistake when setting up the configure
+ options, and both --disable-threads and --enable-threads is set. Because
+ of the way configure is set up --enable-threads will always win.
+ The fix would be a one line change, to remove --enable-threads.
+ Since isc-dhcp is dynamically linked to libdns-export1109 and libisc-
+ export1105, we would probably not even need to rebuild isc-dhcp, and
+ instead, only a fix to bind9-libs would be needed.

** Attachment added: "Packet capture during reproduction"

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Touch seeded packages, which is subscribed to isc-dhcp in Ubuntu.

  dhclient: thread concurrency race leads to DHCPOFFER packets not being

Status in bind9-libs package in Ubuntu:
  Fix Released
Status in isc-dhcp package in Ubuntu:
Status in bind9-libs source package in Focal:
  In Progress
Status in bind9-libs source package in Jammy:
  In Progress

Bug description:

  Occasionally, during instance boot or machine start-up, dhclient will
  attempt to acquire a dhcp lease and fail, leaving the instance with no
  IP address and making it unreachable.

  This happens about once every 100 reboots on bare metal, or Chris
  Patterson in comment #2 describes it as affecting between ~0.3% to 2%
  of deployments on Microsoft Azure. Azure uses dhclient called from
  cloud-init instead of systemd-networkd, and this is causing issues
  with larger deployments.

  The logs of an affected dhclient produce the following:

  Listening on LPF/enp1s0/52:54:00:1c:d7:00
  Sending on   LPF/enp1s0/52:54:00:1c:d7:00
  Sending on   Socket/fallback
  DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0xd222950f)
  DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 5 (xid=0xd222950f)
  (omitting 20 similar lines)
  DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 13 (xid=0xd222950f)
  DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 8 (xid=0xd222950f)
  DHCPDISCOVER on enp1s0 to port 67 interval 6 (xid=0xd222950f)
  No DHCPOFFERS received.
  No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

  Full log:
  Log of a working run:

  The bizarre thing is when you tcpdump dhclient, we see all DHCPDISOVER
  packets being replied to with DHCPOFFER packets, but the got_one()
  callback is never called, dhclient does not read these DHCPOFFER
  packets, and continues sending DHCPDISCOVER packets. Once it reaches
  25 DHCPDISCOVER packets sent, it gives up.

  Screenshot of Wireshark:

  This behaviour led several bug reporters to believe it was a kernel
  issue, with the kernel not pushing DHCPOFFER packets to dhclient. This
  is not the case, the actual problem is dhclient containing a thread
  concurrency race condition, and when the race occurs, the read socket
  is closed prematurely, and dhclient does not read any of the DHCPOFFER

  The full explanation is in the "Other Info" section, but the fix for
  this is to change bind9-libs from being built multithreaded, back to
  single threaded as intended by dhclient maintainers.

  In Focal and Jammy, isc-dhcp links against bind9 libraries provided in
  bind9-libs, while in Kinetic onward isc-dhcp has an in-tree bind9
  library it uses, which is already configured properly to --disable-

  Change the Focal and Jammy bind9-libs to --disable-threads and update
  symbol files to reflect the library is single threaded again.


  Start a fresh Focal or Jammy instance.

  Download and set executable, and edit some lines:

  1) wget
  2) chmod +x
  3) vim

  Change iface="enp5s0" to your interface, likely iface="enp1s0".
  Comment out the line "#       cp bionic-dhclient $workdir/dhclient".

  4) sudo ./

  After five minutes, if you issue reproduces, you will see "TEST

  You can watch the output with:

  5) cat /tmp/dhclient-* | less

  Next, for instrumented runs, you need to build dhclient from source.

  1) sudo apt install build-essential devscripts
  2) apt source isc-dhcp
  3) sudo apt build-dep isc-dhcp
  4) cd isc-dhcp

  Apply the below patch:

  5) patch -p1 < ~/patch.patch
  6) debuild -b -uc -us
  7) cd ..
  8) sudo dpkg -i isc-dhcp-client-*
  9) sudo ./
  10) cat /tmp/dhclient-* | less

  Look for the race, as described in "Other Info", namely:

  mruffell: registering with socket manager
  mruffell: callback called
  mruffell: omapi object is NULL
  mruffell: omapi object is NULL
  mruffell: Adding obj to linked list
  mruffell: Obj added to list

  The issue has reproduced.

  If you install the test package from the following ppa:

  Instructions to install (on a Focal or Jammy system):
  1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mruffell/sf337873-test
  2) sudo apt update
  3) sudo apt install libdns-export1109 libisc-export1105
  4) sudo apt-cache policy libisc-export1105 | grep Installed
  Installed: 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ubuntu1+sf337873v20230116b2

  You will notice the issue no longer reproduces.

  You can also check to see if dhclient runs as multithreaded by:

  $ ps aux | grep dhclient
  <look for PID>

  $ sudo ps -T -p 19512
      PID    SPID TTY          TIME CMD
    19512   19512 ?        00:00:00 dhclient
    19512   19519 ?        00:00:00 isc-worker0000
    19512   19521 ?        00:00:00 isc-socket
    19512   19522 ?        00:00:00 isc-timer

  When single threaded, the output should be:

  $ sudo ps -T -p 23894
    PID  SPID TTY          TIME CMD
  23894 23894 ?        00:00:00 dhclient

  [Where problems could occur]

  We are changing the configuration of bind9-libs for Focal and Jammy
  from a net --enable-threads, to --disable-threads. This will remove
  multithreading for bind9-libs and all applications that link to it.

  bind9-libs only services isc-dhcp, as per apt rdepends in the "Other
  Info" section, and the package was only introduced as a way to get
  isc-dhcp to build with older bind9 libs, and avoid having bind9 in-

  In Kinetic onward, the bind9 libs are shipped in-tree for isc-dhcp,
  and bind9-libs was removed from the archive.

  Since we are only affecting isc-dhcp, we won't affect users of other
  packages, unless they for some reason decided to link against
  bind9-libs instead of the actual bind9 in the archive.

  dhclient was never written for thread concurrency, shown by the lack
  of any synchronisation primitives whatsoever, and won't be negatively
  affected by going back to being single threaded, as it is in all other
  Ubuntu releases.

  We are editing the symbol files to remove exported library calls. I
  have manually grep'd the isc-dhcp source, and those functions are not
  used, but for any users that got confused and link against bind9-libs,
  they might be affected by the change. For them, they need to link
  against the actual bind9 in the archive.

  [Other info]

  I was reading around the upstream issue trackers, and found the
  following two bug reports:

  The ISC upstream report was actually quite detailed, and it has the
  same symptoms of what we are experiencing.

  Let's have a look at the root cause. The code I am using is isc-dhcp
  4.4.1-2.1ubuntu5.20.04.4 from Focal.


   567 void
   568 discover_interfaces(int state) {
  1002         case AF_INET:
  1003         default:
  1004             status = omapi_register_io_object((omapi_object_t *)tmp,
  1005                               if_readsocket,
  1006                               0, got_one, 0, 0);
  1007             break;
  1008         }

  In discover.c, we call discover_interfaces() to iterate over the
  interfaces, and attempt to register a raw socket against it. We do
  this by calling omapi_register_io_object() which is used for reading
  data, and calls the elusive got_one() callback that you instrumented
  your code to see if it was being called or not.


  196 /* Register an I/O handle so that we can do asynchronous I/O on it. */
  198 isc_result_t omapi_register_io_object (omapi_object_t *h,
  199                        int (*readfd) (omapi_object_t *),
  200                        int (*writefd) (omapi_object_t *),
  201                        isc_result_t (*reader)
  202                         (omapi_object_t *),
  203                        isc_result_t (*writer)
  204                         (omapi_object_t *),
  205                        isc_result_t (*reaper)
  206                         (omapi_object_t *))
  207 {
  241     /*
  242      * Attach the I/O object to the isc socket library via the
  243      * fdwatch function.  This allows the socket library to watch
  244      * over a socket that we built.  If there are both a read and
  245      * a write socket we asssume they are the same socket.
  246      */
  248     if (readfd) {
  249         fd_flags |= ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ;
  250         fd = readfd(h);
  251     }
  258     if (fd_flags != 0) {
  259         status = isc_socket_fdwatchcreate(dhcp_gbl_ctx.socketmgr,
  260                           fd, fd_flags,
  261                           omapi_iscsock_cb,
  262                           obj,
  263                           dhcp_gbl_ctx.task,
  264                           &obj->fd);
  275     }
  278     /* Find the last I/O state, if there are any. */
  279     for (p =;
  280          p && p -> next; p = p -> next)
  281         ;
  282     if (p)
  283         omapi_io_reference (&p -> next, obj, MDL);
  284     else
  285         omapi_io_reference (&, obj, MDL);

  omapi_register_io_object() is called for each socket created, in this
  case, the if_readsocket from discover_interfaces(). The file
  descriptor is assigned ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ, and we enter the if

  The if statement calls isc_socket_fdwatchcreate(), which registers the
  socket with the ISC socket manager, and sets up the callback
  omapi_iscsock_cb(), to be called.

  Once that has been done, we iterate over the omapi_io_states linked
  list, which is a global list of registered sockets. We get to the end
  of the list (or the beginning, if the list is empty), and add the
  socket to the list.

  Now, the bug happens between calling isc_socket_fdwatchcreate() to
  register the socket with the socket manager, and adding it to the
  global linked list.

  Sometimes, the callback omapi_iscsock_cb() is called inbetween.


  101 /*
  102  * Callback routine to connect the omapi I/O object and socket with
  103  * the isc socket code.  The isc socket code will call this routine
  104  * which will then call the correct local routine to process the bytes.
  105  *
  106  * Currently we are always willing to read more data, this should be 
  107  * so that on connections we don't read more if we already have enough.
  108  *
  109  * If we have more bytes to write we ask the library to call us when
  110  * we can write more.  If we indicate we don't have more to write we need
  111  * to poke the library via isc_socket_fdwatchpoke.
  112  */
  118 #define SOCKDELETE 1
  119 int
  120 omapi_iscsock_cb(isc_task_t   *task,
  121          isc_socket_t *socket,
  122          void         *cbarg,
  123          int           flags)
  124 {
  132 #if SOCKDELETE
  133     /*
  134      * walk through the io states list, if our object is on there
  135      * service it.  if not ignore it.
  136      */
  137     for (obj =; obj != NULL; obj = obj->next) {
  138         if (obj == cbarg)
  139             break;
  140     }
  142     if (obj == NULL) {
  143         return(0);
  144     }
  145 #else
  164     if ((flags == ISC_SOCKFDWATCH_READ) &&
  165         (obj->reader != NULL) &&
  166         (obj->inner != NULL)) {
  167         status = obj->reader(obj->inner);
  168         /*
  169          * If we are shutting down (basically tried to
  170          * read and got no bytes) we don't need to try
  171          * again.
  172          */
  173         if (status == ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN)
  174             return (0);
  175         /* Otherwise We always ask for more when reading */
  176         return (1);
  188     /*
  189      * We get here if we either had an error (inconsistent
  190      * structures etc) or no more to write, tell the socket
  191      * lib we don't have more to do right now.
  192      */
  193     return (0);
  194 }

  When omapi_iscsock_cb() is called, we iterate over that same
  omapi_io_states global linked list, and since the raw socket we are
  about to add is the very first item going to be placed on the list, will be NULL, making obj set to NULL. Well what
  happens when obj is NULL? We return 0.

  142     if (obj == NULL) {
  143         return(0);
  144     }

  If you look down the code a little further, we see that if we are
  finished with the socket, like shutting down, or an error happens, we
  return 0 to indicate that we are done with this socket, and won't be
  needing it anymore, and won't be using it again.

  If we return 1, then we ask for more data later on, and
  omapi_iscsock_cb() will be called again in the future.

  So, by returning 0, we will no longer read any packets from the
  socket, and thus, we simply ignore and will never read any DHCPOFFER

  We obviously have two sockets open, one for reading and one for
  writing, since one is bound to port 67 and the other to port 68, so we
  keep sending out DHCPDISCOVER packets, not knowing we are ignoring all
  DHCPOFFERS due to the read socket being closed and not calling
  omapi_iscsock_cb() ever again.

  So, as explained on the upstream bug, what is needed for this race
  condition to occur?

  1) There needs to be data that can be read immediately by the socket. This is 
how omapi_iscsock_cb() is called, when there is data waiting. If there is no 
data to read, then the race can't happen.
  2) Thread scheduling must occur in a particular order.

  There are three threads:

  a. The main thread, which is registering the socket
  b. The socket manager coordinator thread
  c. A socket manager worker thread

  For the race to occur, we need to switch from a) to b) to schedule the
  callback, b) to c) to call the callback and return 0, all before we
  return from c) to a) to add the socket to the omapi_io_states linked

  To verify this, I added some print statements to omapi_iscsock_cb()
  and omapi_register_io_object() to see what is happening:

  I instrumented entry to the callback, as well as if obj is NULL, and
  before and after the socket is registered to the socket manager, and
  before and after the socket is added to the global linked list.

  I built the new dhclient, and ran, since it by far is
  the best at reproducing the issue. I concatenated all 20
  /tmp/dhclient-* logs to read:

  If we look at one that works and gets the DHCPOFFER, we see:

  We have two sockets, one that reads and one that writes. It registers
  with the socket manager, adds the socket to the linked list, for both
  sockets, one after the other, and then the DHCPDISOVER is set, and
  then callbacks are called.

  Now, when the issue reproduces:

  We see that we register the read socket with the socket manager, and
  immediately get a callback to omapi_iscsock_cb(), so there is likely a
  packet to read already. We return NULL, since the socket is not on the
  linked list yet, and strangely this happens twice when we have only
  entered omapi_iscsock_cb() once. We then add the socket to the linked
  list, showing we have hit the race condition. The writer socket is
  added to the socket manager, but does not race, as it is added to the
  linked list before the callback happens. The callback only seems to be
  called for the writer socket, and we ignore all DHCPOFFER packets,
  only sending DHCPDISCOVER packets.

  I ran the script a few times, and each and every time
  the issue reproduced, we had a NULL linked list, and returned 0 from
  omapi_iscsock_cb(). So I am confident we have come across the root

  Now, I had an idea of adding a sleep between registering to the socket
  manager and adding the socket to the linked list, to try and get every
  single agent to fail 100% of the time, hoping that the callback would
  be called first.

  The change is something like the likes of below:

  But after I built it and ran it a few times, I couldn't reproduce the
  issue at all. A typical run is below:

  We can see that everything happens in the correct order, and the issue
  is not reproduced. I think because each dhclient has to wait 2 seconds
  before sending a DHCPDISCOVER, the network is quiet, and there is no
  packet to read immediately, since neighboring agents are also quiet,
  so the callback is not called, and the socket is added to the linked
  list before the network gets busy.

  The code itself to add the socket to the linked list was added in the
  below commit, 22 years ago:

  commit 61b844bfd7641a62d681a1f70d3b6dbc485ce4b6
  From: Ted Lemon <>
  Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 00:32:56 +0000
  Subject: Omapi library, initial checkin

  Later on, the registration to the socket manager and the callback was
  added 13 years ago:

  commit 98bf16077d22f28e288a18e184a9d1f97cb5f4f7
  From: Shawn Routhier <>
  Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 04:12:30 +0000
  Subject: Support for asynchronous ddns per ticket 19216 - convert to
   using isclib and dnslib.

  Finally, the null linked list check in the callback that returns 0 was
  also added 13 years ago:

  commit 8fa0112dd11ee301046b42fe463074b067e61a35
  From: Shawn Routhier <>
  Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 23:49:57 +0000
  Subject: Ticket 20540 - clean ups for DHCP-DDNS work, add an change
   dropped in the merge, arrange to handle callbacks from the socket code after
   we've deleted the socket and deal with the quantum issue in the tasks.  This
   last will be removed shortly as a better fix is now available.

  This code and thus the bug is present in all versions of Ubuntu from
  10.04 LTS onward.

  However, I could not reproduce on Bionic, Kinetic or Lunar, so I
  looked into why this only seems to affect Focal and Jammy, when all
  versions share the same buggy code.

  It appears that Focal and Jammy dhclient is multithreaded:

  $ sudo ps -T -p 19512
      PID    SPID TTY          TIME CMD
    19512   19512 ?        00:00:00 dhclient
    19512   19519 ?        00:00:00 isc-worker0000
    19512   19521 ?        00:00:00 isc-socket
    19512   19522 ?        00:00:00 isc-timer

  While on Bionic, Kinetic and Lunar, it presents only a single thread:

  $ sudo ps -T -p 23894
    PID  SPID TTY          TIME CMD
  23894 23894 ?        00:00:00 dhclient

  You can't have thread concurrency issues if you run as a single
  thread. The race conditions simply did not happen, since everything
  had to execute in order, which is why this bug has existed for 13
  years in its current form.

  Chris Patterson in comment #2 mentions when he built dhclient from the
  latest Debian source, available here:

  Chris mentions that it solves the problem, and that it uses in-tree
  bind libraries. Looking into this, we see the tree has bind 9.11.36:

  and its makefile explicitly shows threads being disabled:

  bindconfig =

  bind 9.11.36 still supports disabling threads. Hence this is how the
  upstream debian build did not reproduce the issue on Focal, since
  threading was disabled and dhclient ran as a single thread.

  On Kinetic and Lunar, the isc-dhcp package seems to track the debian
  upstream version, with the very same in-tree bind libraries, set to
  --disable-threads, which is why it is fixed in those versions.

  So, we have two options for a fix for Focal and Jammy:

  1) We disable threading for dhclient.
  2) We add in a mutex to resolve this particular concurrency issue.

  2) was the plan, but when I think about it, if dhclient has such a
  basic thread concurrency issue, and has had it for 13 years without
  anyone noticing, it is a fair chance that this will not be the only
  thread concurrency issue.

  Looking at the source code, there is no mutexes or semaphores. pthread
  isn't even a dependency, and it is not linked in. There is no thread
  synchronisation primitives at all.

  I think if we fix the problem, another issue will crop up in six
  months time, and it will be another concurrency issue.

  Now, there is a small issue that isc-dhcp is now officially End Of
  Life, and has effectively been abandoned by upstream. You can read
  about it in these notices:

  Upstream won't fix any more bugs, make any new releases, or even
  accept any new commits. They are putting their efforts into isc-kea

  In which case, 1) to disabling threading seems better.

  But it seems isc-dhcp on Focal and Jammy are both incompatible with
  their native bind9 packages, and instead, use the libraries from
  bind9-libs, a separate package that packages 9.11.16 for Focal and
  9.11.19 for Jammy, to work around the incompatibility issue.

  Looking at the dependencies for isc-dhcp in Focal:

  $ apt depends isc-dhcp-client
    Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15)
    Depends: libdns-export1109
    Depends: libisc-export1105
    Depends: debianutils (>= 2.8.2)
    Depends: iproute2
    Recommends: isc-dhcp-common
    Suggests: resolvconf
    Suggests: avahi-autoipd
    Suggests: isc-dhcp-client-ddns

  We see we depend on libdns-export1109 and libisc-export1105 from

  Looking at those reverse dependencies:

  $ apt rdepends libisc-export1105
  Reverse Depends:
    Depends: libbind-export-dev (= 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ubuntu1)
    Depends: isc-dhcp-client
    Depends: isc-dhcp-server-ldap
    Depends: isc-dhcp-relay
    Depends: isc-dhcp-client-ddns
    Depends: libisccfg-export163
    Depends: libisccc-export161
    Depends: libirs-export161
    Depends: libdns-export1109
    Depends: libbind-export-dev (= 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~build1)
    Depends: isc-dhcp-server
    Depends: isc-dhcp-client
    Depends: isc-dhcp-server-ldap
    Depends: isc-dhcp-relay
    Depends: isc-dhcp-client-ddns
    Depends: libisccfg-export163
    Depends: libisccc-export161
    Depends: libirs-export161
    Depends: libdns-export1109
    Depends: isc-dhcp-client
    Depends: isc-dhcp-server

  It seems it is only isc-dhcp is a reverse dependency.

  So it appears perfectly safe to change bind9-libs from --enable-
  threads to --disable-threads.

  Looking at their debian/rules files:

  We see:

   --disable-threads \
   --enable-threads \

  It appears there has been a mistake when setting up the configure
  options, and both --disable-threads and --enable-threads is set.
  Because of the way configure is set up --enable-threads will always

  The fix would be a one line change, to remove --enable-threads.

  Since isc-dhcp is dynamically linked to libdns-export1109 and libisc-
  export1105, we would probably not even need to rebuild isc-dhcp, and
  instead, only a fix to bind9-libs would be needed.

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