Hi Isreal,

Disregard my previous email on Shutdown not working.  I tried Suspend, which 
asked me to install some power manager packages, installed those, tried 
Shutdown again, and it worked... weird but it seems like Shutdown is working 
for me again.


From: Torios <torios-bounces+jackdtrice=outlook....@lists.launchpad.net> on 
behalf of Cinque Port Computers <jackdtr...@outlook.com>
Sent: 30 January 2017 09:14
To: Israel
Cc: torios
Subject: [Torios] Shutdown Proble: Re: JWM Settings Manager 2.0

Hi Israel,

I have ToriOS Trusty installed in VB fully updated (originally supplied by Nio 
if I remember correctly as it has 'guru' as the one username):

Clicking on Shutdown after (Shutdown Computer) brings up the yes/no Shutdown 
dialogue; I click on Yes and the yes/no dialogue pops up again; I click on Yes 
again and that dialogue disappears which put me back to the 
Shutdown/Restart/Suspend/Logout/Cancel pop-up.  Shutdown of the installed 
system never occurs.



From: Torios <torios-bounces+jackdtrice=outlook....@lists.launchpad.net> on 
behalf of Israel <israeld...@gmail.com>
Sent: 30 January 2017 00:47
To: Nio Wiklund; torios
Subject: Re: [Torios] JWM Settings Manager 2.0

On 01/29/2017 12:47 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Den 2017-01-29 kl. 17:02, skrev Israel:
>> ...
> Hi again,
> Is it the attached menu and what it can do, that we should test?
> It seems to work for me - but I tested it rather quickly. For example,
> I could add ztweaks to autostart.
> Best regards
> Nio

Hi Nio,

Just test anything and everything you can.

Test it all.  I have tried, but you may find something I did not :D


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