On 12/20/2015 12:51 AM, Ali/amjjawad wrote:
> NOTE: Whatever you'll read below is not and will never be a list of
> excuses but a clear honest explanation of the current situation.
> Hi all,
>  1. I've been very sick lately (1 week now) and was unable to do
>     anything online even my mentor-ship for Google Code In 2015 is
>     idle at the moment as I was really sick. This is just FYI.
>  2. *Since ToriOS is a community project and not a personal project,
>     we do need donation. Since there is no website yet for us, we do
>     need to invest into this project from own money. We do need our
>     own server + we do need our own domain and in this case, we need
>     to get new one.*
>  3. I have zero idea what is happening with ToriOS at the moment. I
>     have 931 emails are sitting on my inbox as Google Code In 2015
>     contest is super active and they send tons of emails so my inbox
>     is flooded. Forgive me if I did not reply nor read any email. I
>     failed to fix the mess in my inbox. I have no idea how to live in
>     peace with 24/7 flooded inbox?! No, filters did not solve my problem.
>  4. I believe we need an urgent meeting to solve some pending issues
>     and set some ideas/plans for the future.
>  5. I know I'm a very bad leader for this project and this must be
>     solved ASAP as I am having a REAL hard time about that. I feel
>     super guilty. Again, no excuses, I'm just speaking my mind here.
>  6. Forgive me for my lack of activities, contributions, and all.
> Happy New Year and Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it.
> #2 is the highest and top priority one.
> Thanks!
> Ali
Hi Ali,
I have been extremely busy lately, barely had time for much at all.
I am just getting to e-mails.
I do not have a server so I cannot help there.  Is ToriOS.net a bad
domain?  Again, I am extremely out of the loop, life has been very busy!


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