Hi again Nio
On 10/11/2015 02:47 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>> ....
>> Yeah, PCManFM doesn't show the whole item.  No fullscreen option?
> If the font size is the same or similar, I don't think it makes a real
> difference to add a fullscreen option (but it is a minor issue).

>> Tips
> --width=540 works better (at least for me).
Ok, I fixed this
>>> - the 'Help to partition' screen (use --width= or remove the fixed line
>>> breaks)
>> what width do you want?
>> this is the current one:
>> --width=470 --height=550
> It would be rather wide, so maybe better to remove the fixed line breaks.
Ok I think this should be fixed
> (I don't recognize the code, it will take time to where and how to
> suggest improvements.)
>>> - the 'Help to select device' menu should use monospace font, which
>>> works in --text-info windows if you add the --html option and some html
>>> or pango markup for that purpose. (You can see how I did it in the
>>> corresponding menu in mkusb.)
>> but this might break the dialog version by adding html info to the text
>> hmm.. I suppose I could try something.
> I see the problem. Are you sure that you need to keep the dialog
> version? It makes the code much harder to maintain?
> I suggest that you release the dialog only version, and wait with the
> zenity version of the OBI-installer until ToriOS 1.1.
I might run the text file through some html stuff.
I want to modify this so it only makes the file ONCE.
I think that will make it worth the extra effort.
>>> - I think the work flow is inconvenient via 'Partition drives and
>>> install alongside current OS': You force people to use gparted. What if
>>> they want to reuse partitions like I often do? You should allow them to
>>> select partitions manually (like what it used to be in the dialog version).
>> This has been like that for many releases.  Why bring it up only now?
> No, as far as I recall, things worked in a way I recognized in recent
> dialog versions of the OBI-installer (the version that you supplied in
> recent daily iso files of ToriOS).
> Just to make it clear, I was happy with that dialog version of
> 'Partition drives and install alongside current OS' :-)
Ok, I think this is still here... but there might have been some issues
>> you can 'resuse' partitions by renaming them obi-root obi-swap this is
>> something you designed into OBI, maybe I don't understand your criticism?
> It is hidden now, at least for me. I would have to edit files with a
> separate tool, if I don't use gparted. And there is no confirmation in a
> zenity window. It feels like it is very buggy.
> But maybe I'm wrong: people who do not expect it to be like before might
> be happy with the current work flow and lack of extra checkpoints.
Is this supposed to be in confirm partition?
>>> - Furthermore, there I see no feedback, that the correct partitions are
>>> actually selected for the root partition and swap partition.
>> There wasn't feedback before.  But you cannot proceed without using
>> obi-root as a label now... it will check and loop
> Yes, there was feedback before. Later (maybe tomorrow) I can try to find
> an older but still recent version and make a screendump.
You are right, I think I didn't format the zenity dialog correctly... 
sorry I had made the change, but maybe made a mistake
This was there, and I think should be there in the new ISO (when I make it)
>>> At what I think is the final warning, there is no information about the
>>> target directories, only 'Are you sure you want to proceed?'. And it is
>>> too narrow (the whole header is not shown). Use --width=
>> what width do you want?
>> this is the current one:
>> --width=470 --height=275
> Make it wide enough to show the whole header.
I think this will be better, but I may have missed this..  I will try to
get this fixed ASAP
> ....
> I think this is another bootloader problem. Because in previous versions
> it could always boot the currently installed system. But it needed
> update-grub to find the other systems.
> Now the previous system boots (which might be Kubuntu, Debian, Fedora,
> Windows). And it is ignorant of ToriOS. I guess that system (if linux)
> would be able to run 'sudo update-grub' and find ToriOS. But Windows
> wouldn't, and I think this is a really big problem.
> Again, I need time to test how it works in another computer. But it does
> not work in my main testing computer (my Toshiba with Intel i5, that
> works in BIOS as well as in UEFI mode).
OK, I found the issue.

basically grub-installer will choose /dev/sda if nothing is sent it...
it is my fallback... which was making it work, but not correctly...
Maybe I should make a chooser IF nothing is sent in.

But, the issue was in mkpxpy apparently (some time ago) I borked this by
sending in $device *instead* of $target
So... THANK YOU NIO I think your grub issue will (maybe) be solved once
and for all (I hope???)
>>> -...
> It need not be a terminal behind. But I suggest that the window should
> state that it is the final warning or final checkpoint, and it should
> state clearly what is to be installed, and where (which partitions on
> which drive) it is to be installed.
As stated above, I think this will be better now
>>> *Final words*
>>> ...
In any case, I think I have found most issues now, including older
issues that were 'show stoppers' with grub.
I will build the OBI again, and the ISO and test a few times before I
upload, and I will focus on testing "Install Alongside"
Then when I am convinced things are better I will send it to everyone
for broader testing in case I am still missing something


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