Hi again,

I forgot one item the link to 'applications', that you see in all the

And after writing this mail, I made a third screenshot illustrating the
use of fake-pae with a Pentium M processor.

I add text about it inline.

Best regards

Den 2015-07-31 18:34, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> Hi all toriosadores,
> I have been working for a couple of days to improve the OEM version of
> ToriOS (beta version of course) from May. The software was made up to
> date yesterday (July 30 2015), and I added some software and features.
> 1. the package *lubuntu-core* in order to help the system for final
> installation (ubiquity) render the graphical user interface correctly.
> However, you should focus on ToriOS. (Do not use the Lubuntu session,
> because it has passed end of life and receives no security updates).
> 2. a tool to *clean the trashcan*, because ToriOS has problems with that
> task - Israel, you are welcome to include it if you find it useful,
> wiper.tar.gz
> 3. a line in .jwmrc, so that *ztweaks runs in automatic mode* at startup
> -  Israel, you are welcome to include it if you find it useful,

3b. a link to the directory *applications* from the Desktop


offers the available applications in a more reliable way than the menu

> 4. tweaks to the *skeleton*
> a. for wiper
> b. for ztweaks

c. for applications

> skel.tar.gz
> 5. *ToriOS beta tarball*
> There is a tarball with ToriOS (beta version) updated from the
> repositories yesterday (July 30, 2015).
> http://phillw.net/isos/one-button-installer/tarballs/ToriOS-pae-OEM_prec_use-by-OBI-in-trusty.tar.xz
> This tarball was made with zmktbl in 'my original OBI', version 3.1
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OBI
> and it can be installed with the same version of the OBI.
> 6. *ToriOS beta compressed image file*
> ToriOS can also be installed 'directly' with
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb]mkusb
> for example into a pendrive of at least 8 GB from the following
> compressed image file
> http://phillw.net/isos/linux-tools/compressed-images/dd_ToriOS-LubuCore-pae-OEM_precise_7.8GB.img.xz
> *. Both of these images (the tarball and the compressed image file) are
> made from the same OEM system.
> You find the files in this 'working directory' for ToriOS
> http://phillw.net/isos/linux-tools/torios/2015-07/
> There are also a couple of screenshots (which are rather big, so I avoid
> attaching them to this mail; if you flip between the two screenshots,
> you can see that there is still a minor issue with the background image).

Finally, I tested that this ToriOS system can be installed and works in
my IBM Thinkpad T42 with a Pentium M CPU, that lacks a PAE flag. This
ToriOS is implemented with fake-pae and the 3.2.0-88-generic-pae kernel.

It took around 4 minutes to install it with mkusb from a USB 3 pendrive
via the Thinkpad's USB 2 port. Very straight-forward :-) See the third
screenshot (png file) at the phillw.net link above.

> Happy testing and best regards
> Nio

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