Hi Ali, Jack, Israel and all other toriosadores,

I will be replying inline where I have something to add.

Best regards

Den 2015-06-13 08:24, Cinque Port Computers skrev:
> Ali,
> I test all the time on a non-PAE environment, and if you have the latest
> ISO, you'll find that the detection of non-PAE is automatic and hidden
> from the user.
> It is designed in to work without the user having to choose, so you may
> not have the latest ToriOS.
> JackT.

Yes, this is correct. There is no choice for a system without a pae flag.

For a system with a pae flag, the pae kernel is not installed by
default, but there is a question so that you have a choice. This may be
good, because you might want to install a portable system, and then you
may not want the default to be the pae kernel.

So let us all discuss this item.

(I think it is good as it is now.)

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2015 11:17:24 +1000
> From: amjja...@torios.org
> To: torios@lists.launchpad.net
> Subject: [Torios] Testing an installed ToriOS on Samsung 11" Notebook
> Hi,
> I have ToriOS installed on two machines:
> One is attached to a TV I use as media player.
> The other is in the attached picture with this email.
> I just did:
> apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
> I did not re-install (purposely) as I want to check what would happen to
> an already installed system.
> _*Few notes:*_
>  1. I can not change the brightness and for some reason, after I
>     installed ToriOS for the first time on that machine, once it is
>     logged in for the first time, it was dark and I can't change it.
>     Usually, I am having problems with ALL Ubuntu based system
>     (distributions), official (Ubuntu GNOME, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, etc) and
>     Non-Official that is whenever I install and login, I find the
>     brightness, by default, set to the highest which will hurt my eyes
>     so I right away reduce it. I am happy that ToriOS, at least on my
>     Samsung machine (on the attached picture) is NOT set to the highest
>     but it is TOO DARK for me to use it on that machine. So, I am not
>     complaining here why it is dark, I am asking how to change the
>     brightness? Oh, when I press Fn + Up Arrow/ = I see the calculator
>     so I guess there is a file for the keyboard shortcuts that needs to
>     be updated, correct?
>  2. The motto on the Plymouth is still read: "Your computer is as free
>     as a bird". I thought we have changed that one already, right? can
>     someone with English as his/her first language to confirm which is
>     the best? the one on the website now is: "Your computer is free as a
>     bird"

Leonard Cohen sang: "Like a bird on a wire"


'Your computer is free like a bird'

is better than

'Your computer is free as a bird'

And Israel's feeling for his native language wants it to be

'Your computer is as free as a bird'

which does not mean exactly the same thing for me. I agree with Ali,
that we should let those of us with English as their first language to
decide which is the best :-)

>  3. Please see: no such file.txt attached file. I always see that on
>     different installations of ToriOS and different machines.
>  4. THANK YOU so much for changing the default timeout settings. I no
>     more have to go and move the cursor every 10mins :D
>  5. https://lists.launchpad.net/torios-dev/msg00312.html
>  6. Just to double check (I am not complaining): we don't run
>     power-manager by default, correct? or that is a bug? I am thinking
>     .. if we are not running it by default intentionally, can we then
>     add that to the post-script list? so users can decide whether to
>     activate the power-manager or not?
>  7. Have we come up with an idea of handling the language/keyboard
>     layout? because AFAIK, we have no package installed by default.
>  8. In my testings, I am trying to focus on the installed system more
>     than the LiveCD/LiveUSB. This might be a bad question but I will ask
>     anyway. Do we want to make ToriOS a LiveCD distribution that can be
>     installed on a hard drive? or the LiveCD is just a pre-installation
>     stage? some distributions are designed to work as a LiveCD with the
>     option to install on a HDD. From my understanding, ToriOS is not
>     designed to primarily be a LiveCD, correct?

I think that the LiveCD is a pre-installation stage plus a tool to make
own or custom tarballs. Such tarballs can be used for backup and for
distributing a custom made system.

To make tarballs I recommend to use ToriOS as a persistent live system,
and this is the main reason why I have spammed you with several mails
about good ways to make a persistent live system of ToriOS. The
persistence gives you a good place to store your new tarball (the
live-rw partition will be used automatically).

Later on I might make a portable installed system for USB pendrives with
the ability to make own tarballs. I have made a few testing systems, but
for compatibility with the live system's tarballs I need to wait until
the live system is stable (released as ToriOS-1.0).

>  9. For the post-script that is supposed to show up on the first login
>     after installing ToriOS. Is this a stand-alone package? or part of
>     other package? I am asking because I am thinking to make life easier
>     for our developers and others + add more freedom for future
>     improvements. Is it just a script on a file? maybe it is very simple
>     and should not be a package, correct? just trying to understand more
>     about it :)

It is a shell-script. I think Israel can decide how to package it.
Anyway, it is easy for people who know bash scripting to modify it. We
can easily add things that make it more convenient for the user.

> 10. JUST trying to make sure everything is ok: have you (anyone) tried
>     to install ToriOS on a Non-PAE machine? then on PAE machine? the
>     best part about OBI is when it asks the user to choose which Kernel
>     to install. We had problems before so I just want to make sure
>     everything is as smooth as possible. Oh, and is there any way we can
>     make that auto-detected? so that users don't have to bother with
>     that option? what do you think?!

(Discussed by Jack and me at the beginning of this mail.)

> That's all what I can remember for now .. will try to do more testing :)
> Thank you for everything, everyone!

Thank you Ali, for testing and asking good and relevant questions :-)

> -- 
> Ali/amjjawad
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad
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