On Sat, December 27, 2014 12:56 pm, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Den 2014-12-27 13:36, Jack T. skrev:
>> On Fri, December 26, 2014 9:35 pm, Israel wrote:
>>> On 12/26/2014 03:04 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>>> Den 2014-12-26 21:47, Israel skrev:
>>>>> Hi guys.
>>>>> I think the *main issue* will be the stuff in /etc/skel
>>>>> You will need to :
>>>>> sudo cp -f /etc/skel/.* $HOME sudo cp -f /etc/skel/.config/*
>>>>> $HOME/.config
>>>>> Or add a new user I suppose.
>>>>> Then you *may* need to run:
>>>>> xdg-user-dirs-update && update-menus to get your 'Places' menu in
>>>>> order.
>>>>> If you end up using*PCmanFM* (I haven'tvimplemented this in the
>>>>> settings program quite yet) it would be good to run:
>>>>> sed -i 's#show_wm_menu=0#show_wm_menu=1#'
>>>>> $HOME/.config/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf
>>>>> wallpaper="/usr/share/backgrounds/default.png" sed -i
>>>>> "s#wallpaper=.*#wallpaper=$wallpaper#"
>>>>> $HOME/.config/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf
>>>>> *for s**eamonkey:*
>>>>> sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com
>>>>> C1289A29
>>>>> sudo echo -e "\ndeb
>>>>> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt
>>>>> all main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
>>>>> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --yes
>>>>> seamonkey-mozilla-build
>>>>> *HERE are all the apps I install*
>>>>> PPAPPS=(numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme numix-icon-theme-circle
>>>>> torios-core torios-desktop torios-doc numix-gtk-theme
>>>>> numix-icon-theme numix-icon-theme-circle mkusb
>>>>> jwm-settings-manager jwm) sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:mkusb/ppa
>>>>> && sudo add-apt-repository -y
>>>>> ppa:numix &&
>>>>> sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:torios-dev/torios-core && sudo
>>>>> apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --yes ${PPAPPS[@]}
>>>>> I think that will get you fully setup.
>>>>> Let me know how this goes for you I downloaded the 'new' precise
>>>>> ISO
>>>>> and will be trying this also soon :)
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> -Israel
>>>>> ToriOS Team
>>>> Hi Jack,
>>>> 1. I made a working mini (text only) system from the Ubuntu 12.04
>>>> mini.iso from precise-updates (non-pae) in my IBM Thinkpad with
>>>> Pentium
>>>> M.
>>>> This iso file works not only from CD but also from USB (via mkusb)
>>>> which was not the case in the beginning of 12.04, when the original
>>>> mini.iso worked only from CD. So it is really an improved mini.iso
>>>> :-)
>>>> Hi Israel,
>>>> Thanks for the long list. I will try according to it, but won't
>>>> finish tonight. It's getting late in Europe :-)
>>>> Good night
>>>> Nio
>>> Hi Nio,
>>> I was unable to boot mini on the old computer still... not sure what
>>> is going wrong there...  It is odd every ToriOS image I have burned
>>> worked really well.  It even booted much faster than Puppy.... but
>>> mini gets a kernel panic after tons of error messages with memory
>>> addresses and whatnot.
>>> So, if you are successful that would be great!!  otherwise I will
>>> have to wait for the other computer from my sister :)
>>> --
>>> Regards
>>> -Israel
>>> ToriOS Team
>> Hi Israel, Nio,
>> I did most of the setup documented by your most recent email (apart
>> from Seamonkey) and can't get past the login screen (see picture
>> link)...I enter a good username and password then the box pops up as
>> shown...any clues what's needed?
>> Thanks, JackT.
>> http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2014-12-27_12_30_32-OeCi1APb.png
> Hi Jack and Israel,
> I'm preparing a tarball (using mktbl in ToriOS) from a minimal text
> based system with network-manager. If it works (that the network is
> portable) in another computer, I'll upload the tarball.
> name: precise-mini.tar.xz
> user: guru
> password: changeme
> Then you, Israel, can download it, install it with the OBI, and then
> stuff if with ToriOS, and make a ToriOS tarball (I hope) ;-)
> Best regards
> Nio
Hi Nio, Israel,

Great thank you Nio.  I made progress and got my ToriOS session working
finally...I switched to lightDM login greeter and found TorioS as a
session selection...looking forwards to a tarball...bye for now...JackT.

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