Blueprint changed by Israel Dahl:

Whiteboard changed:
  ### Important Notes ###
  * LXDE and XFCE are both out of the question :)
  Reason 1: ToriOS is NOT Lubuntu
  Reason 2: XFCE is not as lightweight as what we are trying to achieve with 
  ** The DE/WM that we shall choose must be supported for Long Term (LTS)
  meaning if ToriOS version 1 will be based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS then the
  chosen DE/WM MUST be supported for LTS as well.
  *** NO Tiling Window Manager -
  Please don't waste your time and test that. It would be harder for
  newcomers to Linux to use that. We had agreed about that already.
  ### Important Note ###
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  [f-jack]Could we do xfce?
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  [Brian Kanto] As I understand it, the goal is to replace XP.. Though, I do 
not think the goal is a near duplicate, like zoran, it shoud have some points 
that make XP users feel comfortable.  Xfce can do this, but it is not that 
light. I have not used much stuff lighter than Lxde, but I belive open box can 
be made to look similar and be lighter on the resources. So, I guess, it comes 
to how light we want it. A few Xp computers, have only 128MB. That would be 
tough on XP. My friends over at Bodhi, chose enightenment. It is well done, but 
seemed a bit closed for me. I would love to hear from some openbox experts.
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  [israeldahl] if we use openbox, there NEEDS to be a GUI to configure the 
rc.xml file.
  I am thinking specifically of the keyboard.  gdialog/bash could work for this 
(like Puppy does for JWM)  It might be nice to do an all-in-one sort of 
configuration window, like the XP control panel.  Or course anyone who is 
really good at C++ could chime in!
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  [tausif-0593] I would suggest enlightenment 17/18; e17 is a solid choice 
given that Bodhi linux has a non-pae iso with e17 specifically. I have not 
explored e18 but it definitely seems to be a build on e17 with alot of 
enhancements. But if we do end up with openbox, it would be quite an 
interesting trip given that it is very possible to have nice looking ui.
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  [Mélodie] Hi, it will be Openbox, at least as long as I dedicate myself
  to make the first ISO(s) which will be available for testing and
  modifying soon.
  Ali: I would not want to bring systematic contradiction to you, however,
  if you don't want any component from Lxde I'll be out, because there are
  at least two of them which I have always used, if not a few more.
  They are only a few components which are standalone and don't need
  depends. We are not going to invent again the wheel, as they say. Some
  items are very handy and not heavy at all.
  The main tool I use in Openbox environments, is one which allows having
  a very easy to use Openbox desktop. It relies precisely on a lib
  provided by the Lxde project. ;)
  israeldahl: this is what obconf does. It modifies rc.xml. Other gui
  tools are also available for shortcuts and for menu.xml. They are not
  recent, however it seems they still work. And we would need some new
  tools. I will provide a todo on the mailing list once the first ISO will
  be made available.
  One big advantage with Openbox apart from it's lightness and numerous 
available tools provided for it by the community, is that it is quite versatile 
and allows changing to other desktops of your like easily.
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  [israeldahl] Hi, my main concern is the Keyboard Shortcuts.  There is 
currently no GUI I know of to edit ALL the rc.xml, only the one you spoke of 
that handles MOST of the xml file.  I agree that Openbox is a great choice, as 
it can incorporate many different things (tint2, awn, docky, cairo, 
gnome-panel, xfce panel, and of course lxpanel....) and can be highly 
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  [Mélodie] israeldaht: for keyboard shortcuts some tools exist as gui
  Almost all the gui tools built around Openbox are aging, not updated, and 
written in different languages, which when used need to install depends which 
will make Openbox less light. In the meanwhile some new tools also started to 
be worked on more recently.
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  [zleap] With regard to no cli, will it be easy to be able to switch between 
boot into cli and gui,  it used to be a case of just editing inittab then the 
  initdefault:3 for cli or initdefault:5 for gui
  Sometimes being able to set things to always boot in to the cli is useful. 
Maybe there should be a small tool written to do this.
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  [amjjawad] It is almost one month for this discussion and we haven't yet 
decided what DE/WM we shall use?
  Well, in order to keep everything as planned for since the very beginning 
(every decision is based on votes), and at the same time, move forward with 
this more quickly, the best idea is each and everyone who is part of ToriOS 
team to:
  1- Download Ubuntu Mini ISO 12.04:
  2- Create a Virtual Machine - use whatever you like (I prefer Oracle
  3- Choose one of the lightweight DE/WM and PLEASE, update this blueprint
  AND send an email to the list so someone else won't choose the same
  DE/WM that you chose.
  4- Share your findings and your final opinion whether your test is PASS
  or FAIL.
  5- Keep in mind the target is to have a working system that when Idle,
  it should be 50MB RAM Usage (Max 60MB).
  I will make sure everyone is aware of this new idea.
  Thank you!
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  [israeldahl] One thing I'd like to mention is the Display manager.  When I 
build Debian from a minimal CD, I do it without installing anything other than 
the basic CLI interface and build up from there.
  So far I have been using SLIM, and I know Ubuntu uses LightDM.  I think we 
should consider this as well with the DE (or WM + whatever).  I am assuming we 
want to use a normal stacking WM, not a tiling WM.
  @Ali 50MB with the VM in another DE?  Or should we be installing it
  somewhere?  Is there a specific standardized way you would like the
  reporting data to be gathered?  Do we install a taskamanger and take a
  screen shot, or do we use a CLI tool and pipe it into a file to post
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  [amjjawad] [RE: israeldahl] We can discuss about the Slim or LightDM
  later because AFAIK, the Display Manager and the DE/WM are not very
  depending one on the other but  I could be wrong.
  If you have a spare machine to test, that would be great as 'real'
  hardware always better. If not, the VM comes in handy.
  As for the RAM Usage, I changed the range and it is between 50-60 MB.
  'htop' should do the needful.
  Thank you!
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  [israeldahl] I have a PPC old iBook I can test... and might be able to get 
something else to test...
  I am not sure if the display manager effects Memory Usage much, but it is 
running (from root)
  SHR =  2264
  RES = 2408
  VIRT = 35044
  (for Lightdm... from htop on Lubuntu 14.04 32bit)
  So using the ligthestest DM might help the DE have smaller memory footprint, 
it seems to me
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  [amjjawad] [RE: israeldahl] Yes indeed. The Display manager will affect the 
RAM Usage, that is for sure. If truth to be told, I don't really mind to go 
'without' a display manager. If the user can:
  Type his/her user name + type his/her password + hit enter + start a GUI = 
that is really great and not bad IMHO.
  After all, the idea of ToriOS is not to give any fancy system to users
  but a rescue solution for those with NON-PAE machines or those who
  really adore and appreciate simplicity.
  I'm not very sure which Display Manager is the lightest? I am checking
  'htop' now on Lubuntu 13.10 installed on real hardware (P4 with less
  than 512MB RAM - shared with graphics) and I can see 5 different process
  for LightDM but all these process below 1MB or Memory (I mean each
  process is less than 1MB not the total).
  Unless there is a developer who knows better in these stuff, we can't do much 
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  [joern-schoenyan] Hello everyone! I'm making progress with my preview-
  iso's I'm creating. For the moment, I'm not using a display manager. You
  can refer to the everytime awesome Arch Wiki:
  If the user wants a DM, for example for a multi-user setup, he is free to 
install LightDM or Slim or whatever. That is my opinion. Under that conditions 
we might be able to stay under the 50 MB RAM limit.
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  [amjjawad] [RE: joern-schoenyan] WOW, what a great news :D yes, this is
  what I personally think as well. It is impossible IMHO to have
  everything the way we want without some sacrifices - see:
  I hope we could achieve something. Keep it up and keep us informed :D YAY :D
  Go ahead, I like what you're doing :D
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  [f-jack] If someone could build an iso for each of these I will test it on 
bare metal, I would like for us to evaluate enlightenment, openbox, and jwm.
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  [amjjawad] [RE: f-jack] too early for that, my friend :) kindly check the 
work items below and re-read the emails I sent, please. We do need at the 
moment to test. So far, we have a result that I shared on Facebook and Google+ 
of 32MB when idle and that was Debian with JWM. Which means, you for example 
need to pick another DE/WM and share your findings as per the email. Someone 
else must choose something else and so on. Please read the emails and if you 
have any Q, please ask :)
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  [amjjawad] Melodie has shared this link with me last night on IRC:
  This might help and make life easier - couldn't read it yet - no time - 
hopefully I can read it soon :)
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  [JackT]  Just took a look at antiX OS which is Debian-based and uses (among 
several choices) ROX-IceWM; that is IceWM and ROX Desktop; took a look after 
install and boot (albeit inside VirtualBox) and at idle it was reporting around 
66 MB.  Just reporting this for information purposes as it seems somewhat 
relevant here.
  [WilliamC] Sorry, I accidentally replied to the whiteboard in email. I know I 
am only vaguely associated with the project now, but I keep seeing 
Enlightenment come up so I thought I would save you the trouble. I use 
Enlightenment, specifically Bodhi. I can assure you that (if fully taken 
advantage of) Enlightenment has the single most complicated interface of any 
DE, and there is no way to dumb it down. It easily has the steepest learning 
curve of anything you might consider. It is for power users only, regular users 
would be completely lost if they start messing with it endless settings. As far 
as Bodhi and E17 go, Bodhi has a dirty little not so secret secret - Most of 
their system is proprietary and completely closed source. It is a distant 
cousin to stock Enlightenment. It is actually their closed source components 
that make it so awesome - however, they catch a lot of flack for having a 
largely closed sourced Linux distro. E17 by itself is less than stable and 
still as complicated. Stock E18 is more stable, but would be just as baffling 
to a regular user. In short, exploring Enlightenment as a possible DE is a dead 
end, waste of time road that I advise you do not go down.
  @[JackT] Thanks for sharing :) Jorn managed to achieve 45MB as posted 
earlier. AntiX is indeed a good example to look at but let's not forget it is 
using Debian and the main aim/target is to use Ubuntu. I am not sure who has 
picked the DE/WM you have mentioned? people are quiet about what they're 
testing despite that I have asked to share what they're testing so when someone 
pick X DE/WM, someone else will pick Y and not X :)
  If truth to be told, I don't think I will go for E17 and I don't think we 
need such a fancy DE.
  We do need a WM more than a DE.
  Let's KEEP IN MIND that the whole point is to give a working system SO THAT 
the users ware the ones who will decide what kind of system, look and feel 
their installed Linux System will look like :)
  I have chatted with Alex and he confirmed IIRC (If I Remember Correctly)
  that we indeed can go with only a WM without a DE.
  He will work on a very pre-alpha version next week and will share the
  ISO link so we can 'see' something :)
  Thanks to JackT for sharing this:
  Part 1:
  Part 2:
  Part 3:
  [amjjawad] the current work is being done on
+ [israeldahl]
+ I'd like to close this and say JWM has been decided on, with rox-filer to 
support desktop icons.  We need to now focus on default applications

DE (Desktop Enviroment)/WM (Window Manager) for ToriOS

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