On 02/10/2014 02:05 AM, Israel wrote:
Hi all, I recently added placeholder pages for those items in the
site navigation bar...
Now I am wondering what those pages should be.
I am wondering if the *Community* page will be a hub for all the
different ways to interact and get involved. Will it have the
launchpad stuff, the mailing list, the G+, the Ubuntu Forums page,
Ali's blog, a link to the IRC channel, etc?
Is there a specific framework as to what I can put in there yet, or
is this something that simply needs to be a place holder until we
The*Join* page, seems to me that it could simply be removed and the
Community page could work to have both things
So, this page will be 1 of a few things (in my mind)
1. It will be a php/JavaScript form that someone fills in and
'Submits' and it e-mails the appropriate 'department' based on what
the choose out of a drop down list.
2. Links to various e-mail/forum/IRC/etc... though leaving an
e-mail link is not always the most advisable.
3. Some sort of comment page (though a forum is already this area.
It seems that it may be nice to simply link to the IRC channel, and
forums as we could avoid having a lot of e-mail traffic, though
someone would have to be a forum moderator and read virtually
everything that is posted, etc.. Though a community could take care
of most of the Issues people have without need of the core team
devoting time to that.
Any feedback you have would be appreciated.
I have updated the page a bit more (some of it superficial, some of
it content.. mainly the Downloads section...)
OH, and *News*.
Ali, if you want to e-mail me the news in plain text, or whatever
you like I will add it to the site. I think this will be a good
simple way to do things for the time being. If we need to involve
WP (or Drupal, etc...) we can in the future and tailor the news page
to be the only place that uses WP, so the rest of the site can
remain lighter.
I will Update the News page to have a few more things, and we could
possibly add some sort of way to update the content through a php
form, like WP, but that is of course something that is not
pressing. Simply getting news updates will be enough at this point.
(sorry this is so long)
First thing first, the impressive, great and amazing work you're
doing on the website is wonderful and this is motivating me more and
more and make me love this project more and more. This team, despite
it is small, it is so creative and great to the point that I can say
it proudly and loudly it is one of the very best that I've been part
of for the last 3 years. I am so proud to be one of this great family.
Second of all, if you think the email you sent is long then you
didn't read my newsletters? :P
Third of all, I do love the idea when someone think the same way and
even beat me to it :D I indeed asked to create these pages but I
didn't explain why or what for. You were kind and helpful enough to
create the pages right away without asking. That is what I call high
quality. Everything is beautiful at the right time.
Now, time for the real fun :D
_*Community Page*_
This page will be dedicated to:
1- List the name of the brave and highly skilled people behind ToriOS
+ Their Roles within ToriOS (example: http://peppermintos.com/about/)
2- A brief (if possible) about those members of ToriOS
3- A Paragraph to explain what does a community project that have
people from around the world mean and what does a one-man-project
mean, etc. Something like an explanation or definition :)
I think that is all for now :)
This is the least I could do to show my appreciation for all of you.
I know I won't do that myself (edit the page) but at least suggesting
it :D
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Join Us Page:*_
Obviously, this page to be something like:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GettingInvolved (one of my
creations :D) but definitely much more simple and easy
You see, we are small team but we do have different tasks (call it
departments or sub-teams).
May I remind you all that once the team structure of ToriOS will be
finished, each leader/driver will start recruiting for his/her own
department ;)
But for now, we can fill the gaps for these areas:
1- Development: We do need a developer so let's be so loud about it.
2- Testing : Needless to say.
3- Documentation
4- Marketing
5- Technical Support (mainly for the forums)
6- Artwork (we can't depend on Rafael forever - even thought we are
not planning to have a fancy looking system but still we need one)
7- Translations
Very similar to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/SubTeams
Basically, for now, there will be just one link, that is:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_*Contact Us Page:*_
And, this page will be something like this:
For Development: torios@lists.launchpad.net
For Others: me...@torios.org
(for now, we don't need to create new emails unless you see important
and highly needed - keep in mind the more we create, the more
headache to handle that).
For Technical Support:
For Live Chat:
Our IRC Channel #torios on Freenode
With a Web-based link for IRC like:
Social Media Channels:
I will communicate that later ;)
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I think that is all for now.
As for the '*News*' Page, maybe we could live with simple page or we
could create one with WordPress for example. It would be easier and
'less' time if there will be one person who publish on that page
rather than one write and send and the other read and publish. What
do you think? Time is always our toughest and strongest rival and
challenge so the more you save from it, the more you can win and
defeat it :D
That is all for now :)
Let me know what do you think?