No worries William, I figured it was mainly more of a place holder. And
there are good reasons to use tables (especially to use JavaScript to
populate it). A lot of modern websites use tables, I just don't like
them as the remind me of the days of using frames and hard coding the
style for each element into each line.
Your lorem ipsum website looks great! Don't sweat it, keep up the good
work. And Ali's advice to take it easy applies to all of us, including you!
On 01/19/2014 07:49 AM, William wrote:
I appreciate your comment. I am aware that the code is a bit ugly at
the moment. I was feeling pressure to get something, anything out the
door as a working demo. It's not that I can't do CSS, it was faster
for me to say "screw it" and use tables here and there - being old
school it was faster for me. But I do intend to comb over it,
re-implementing it an a more HTML 5 standard way. I will even likely
incorporate some of your advice. But at the moment it is functional
enough that if had to put out our first release tomorrow, we could
fill the pages with content and it would work.
In hindsight, I think the pressure I felt I was under was imagined.
On 01/18/2014 11:12 AM, Israel wrote:
On 01/18/2014 09:58 AM, William wrote:
The website so far. Pardon the graininess of the top left logo. I
woke up early with an idea that led to a series of major overhauls
and I was burnt out by the time I got that far. But as promised, I
am putting this up today. You will also notice the text in the
navigation is slightly out of alignment. Perfectly fixable, but I
wanted to get this up while I had the chance since I'm sure if I
will be around to mess with it anymore today.
All of the pages currently have the same content. Real content,
especially for the front page, is on the way - I just needed a place
holder. Also pardon the Latin placeholder text.
All of the items in the navigation are placeholders. While a few of
them are a must, we need to determine what sub pages we actually
need. This will determine the actual content that needs developed.
I have tested the site in Chrome, Firefox, and Midori at
1600x900(16:9), 1280x1024(5:4) and 1280x960(4:3)
As it stands, the navigation vertically stacks itself if the window
becomes to small.
Keep in mind:
We also have a documentation wiki at and a forum at If we are going to be using the forums
I am not yet sure if I am going to create a but as an external link
up with the social media icons, or directly integrate it into the
website, and therefor navigation. If we go with the forums we will
need moderators.
Here you go:
The text in the table doesn't scale when on smaller sizes.
You should fix that in the CSS.... (though I personally don't like
tables... I usually use height/width percentages for divs and float:
left; )
Since I don't like tables, I would have done the list as CSS buttons
in an anchor. And done some a:hover{//color effect}
It also seems better to me to use responsive techniques in the
padding and font size. (i.e padding: 2% 2% 1% 1%; font-size: large;)
Of course you need to make it work for IE also, so you may already
have a plan to do this stuff....
Unless you are using something for mobiles instead. If you are doing
it you should also include the scalable part:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,
maximum-scale=2.0, user-scalable=yes" />
And maybe the:
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144"
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"
types for the mobile users.
Also, I think using SVG would be better than png for web graphics,
though again there are those browser caveats like Opera Mini, the
ever problematic IE, etc...
There is also modernizer, that you may also be planning to implement
in the future...
I am sure you are already thinking about these things, and getting
ready to implement it, so I am not trying to point out the obvious.
Just gave you my few quick thoughts... Oh and has a
nice social media script that also lets you gather some info back
about the traffic statistics though you may prefer to use your own
stuff :)
Sorry my e-mail is so nit-picky, I know you just made this and the
overall design looks great. I like the colors you used, and the way
you laid everything out. So just take my blurb with a grain of salt
as you obviously know what you are doing and made it look great!
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